Such a book was needed indeed and the Homoeopathic fraternity shall be grateful to you for your endeavor. This book was needed because it serves as a desktop reference and I prefer to call it supplementation to study of Allen’s keynotes.
I recommend every serious student and practitioner of Homoeopathy to have a copy of it.
Such a meticulous work is the reflection of your meticulous personality.
Your thought behind writing the book the necessity of segregation is very well mentioned in the preface
Please make a word index and glossary of terms.
The Thumb rule chapter is very nice and helpful but I think the name Thumbrule can be changed with a more appropriate one.Sorry for being blunt in this regard
One small section can be added, Stalwarts comments, Eg – By Lippe,Dr.Hering, Dr.Hahnemann etc
Thank you so much for such a literary treat. Blessing and best wishes
-Dr.Satyajit Kuchar,
M.D.(Homoeopathic Materia Medica),
Consultant Homoeopath,
Author -Widening horizons in study of Homoeopathy Founder -We and Homoeopathy academy