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Perceiving Rubrics Of Mind

(3 customer reviews)

Dr. Farokh Master, in his book ‘Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind’ has described each rubric of the mind in detail – giving the exact meaning of the rubric. Under each rubric, he has also explained the possible disease conditions it may be found in along with the remedies for that particular rubric. Under each rubric, he has also mentioned cross-references so that we can accurately narrow down the symptom. He has simplified it so well that after reading this book it will be less of a burden to organize symptoms into rubrics.

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B.Jain Regular

Category: Product ID: 19261


Our Materia Medica is so cumbersome that even the best prescribers need to refer a repertory. One of the key problems Homeopaths face in practice is the conversion of the patient’s mental symptoms into rubrics. It is not very difficult to obtain a detailed and accurate case history from the patient but those symptoms are of no use unless accurately converted into rubrics.

This marvelous and authentic work of Dr Farokh J. Master is presented to the homeopathic fraternity to solve this purpose

Dr. Farokh Master, in his book ‘Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind’ has described each rubric of the mind in detail – giving the exact meaning of the rubric. Under each rubric, he has also explained the possible disease conditions it may be found in along with the remedies for that particular rubric. Under each rubric, he has also mentioned cross-references so that we can accurately narrow down the symptom. He has simplified it so well that after reading this book it will be less of a burden to organize symptoms into rubrics.

For example, under the rubric ‘Weary of Life’ he has mentioned ‘ennui, loathing’ as the cross-reference. And goes on to give the exact meaning and explanation of the rubric, followed by the disease condition and drugs it is seen in.

 Key features: 

1. The rubrics are arranged alphabetically

2. Adjacent to the main rubric, its source has been given along with the cross reference (in case needed)

3. Mental symptoms of the patients have also been related with various psychological conditions.

4. Important remedies pertaining to that rubric are also mentioned for quick reference

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3 reviews for Perceiving Rubrics Of Mind

  1. Pullkit arora

    Very nice narration about mind rubrics

  2. K.sundaramoorthi

    the book on mind rubric is a teacher in front of the desk guiding me.Very usefull .for every rubric remedies started .

  3. malaya kumar tandi

    One of the most helping and popular book for those students who are graduated now and thinking of practice their own. BHMS students please go through this and must purchase thses one. U will get obviously another levele of satisfaction.

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Dr. Farokh J Master

Dr. Farokh J. Master is an M.D. in homeopathy. He was awarded a gold medal for standing first in the M.D. examination. His clinic has been awarded the “Certificate of Merit” by Dr. Michael Lorenz recognizing his clinic as an important center for Iscador therapy in India. He has a rich teaching experience of more than 25 years in India as well as in foreign countries like the U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Norway, Greece, Cyprus, Malaysia, Netherlands and Germany. He has authored more than 50 books on homeopathy; most of them are best sellers. His professional articles have been published in journals of International repute like the British Homeopathic Journal ...