The Guiding symptoms of our Materia Medica
For Hering, a symptom does not acquire the status of a guiding symptom unless, apart from its appearance in a prover or provers, it has been verified on the bedside a number of times. In the Hering’s Guiding Symptoms, the emphasis had shifted to the confirmed symptoms. It is a complement to all other works on our Materia Medica, being principally a collection of CURED SYMPTOMS.
Hering gave us the ‘matured’ Materia Medica. He introduced:
• evaluation of symptoms at four grades in Materia Medica, just as Boenninghausen had done in Repertory.
• relationship of drugs and hints for comparative study. The relationships etc. of Allen’s ” Keynotes ” is copied entirely from this source. Hering laid the foundations of comparative materia medica.
• pathological conditions or diseases against a particular symptom. Hering, mentions this, at the end of the symptoms in brackets.
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