Professional Conduct Etiquette and Code of Ethics for Practitioners of Homoeopathy Regulations, 2022
New Delhi, the 13th December of 2022
In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (u), (zd) and (ze) of sub-section (2) of section 55of the National Commission for Homoeopathy Act, 2020 (15 of 2020), and in supersession of the Homoeopathy Central Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Code of Ethics) Regulations, 1982, except as respects thing done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the National Commission for Homoeopathy hereby makes the following regulations, namely: –
1. Short title and commencement–
(1) These regulations may be called the National Commission for Homoeopathy (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Code of Ethics for Practitioners of Homoeopathy) Regulations, 2022.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions –
(1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “Act” means the National Commission for Homoeopathy Act, 2020, (15 of 2020);
(b) “Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM)” means as the case may be is a mission which seeks to create a national digital health ecosystem that supports universal health coverage in an efficient, accessible, inclusive, affordable, timely and safe manner, that provides a wide-range of data, information and infrastructure services, duly leveraging open, interoperable, standards based digital systems, and ensures the security, confidentiality and privacy of health-related personal information.
(c) “Practitioner of Homoeopathy’ includes Medical Practitioner of Homoeopathy, registered practitioner of Homoeopathy, registered medical practitioner, practitioner, register homoeopathic practitioner, licensed practitioner, homoeopathy practitioner, who is for the time being registered in any State register or Central register or National register for Homoeopathy;
(d) “section” means a section of the Act;
(2) Words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the same meanings as assigned to them in the Act.
3. Declaration and Oath –At the time of registration, each applicant shall submit a Declaration and Oath asper the format given at Appendix-I,to the registrar of the State Medical Council for Homoeopathy or Board of Ethics and Registration for Homoeopathy concerned, duly signed by applicant.
General Principles
4. Character of Practitioner of Homoeopathy. –
(1) The primary object of the medical profession is to render service to humanity with full respect for the dignity of Human being and financial reward is a secondary consideration.
(2) Whoever chooses the medical profession, assumes the obligation to conduct himself or herself in accordance with its ideals and shall be an upright person and qualified or registered or both with the State Medical Council for Homoeopathy or Board of Ethics and Registration for Homoeopathy, and shall keep himself or herself pure in character and be diligent in caring for the sick and shall be modest, sober, patient and prompt to do his duty without anxiety and shall be pious and conduct himself or herself with propriety in his or her profession and in all the actions of his or her life.
5. Standards of Character and Morals. –
(1) The medical profession expects highest level of character and morals and every practitioner of Homoeopathy owes to the profession and committed duty to attain such level. Being an incumbent upon a practitioner of Homoeopathy, temperate in all matters, the practice of medicine requires unremitting exercise of a clear and vigorous mind.
(2) A Practitioner of Homoeopathy shall uphold the dignity and honours of his or her profession with prime objectives of rendering services to humanity and rewards and financial gains shall be secondary.
6. Responsibility of Practitioner of Homoeopathy. – A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall merit the confidence of patients entrusted to his care while rendering of service and devotion. The honoured ideals of the medical profession imply the responsibilities of a practitioner extended not only to individuals but also to the entire society and therefore the practitioner should try continuously to improve his knowledge and skills; and should be available to the patient and colleagues for benefits of such knowledge.
7. Prescription and Medical certificate. –
(1) A Practitioner of Homoeopathy shall provide the prescription to a patient within seventy two hours as requested or required by such person; and also issue Medical Certificate to the patient when so desired. He will keep a copy of the medical certificate as a record for at least three years and the format of the medical certificate shall be as per format at Appendix-III to these regulations.
(2) A Practitioner of Homoeopathy shall display the registration number in his or her clinic on every prescription, as per medical certificate, or he and she shall display as suffix to his or her name over recognized degree, diploma, membership, honour.
(3) A Practitioner of Homoeopathy, whose qualification is included in the 2nd or 3rd Schedule to the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973(59 of 1973) or in the list of recognized qualification of the National Commission for Homoeopathy, may use “Dr.” as prefix before his or her name.
8. Advertising. –
(1) Solicitation of patients directly or indirectly, by a practitioner of Homoeopathy either personally or by advertisement in the newspapers, by placards or by the distribution of circular cards or handbills, shall be unethical.
(2) A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall not make use of, or permit others to make use of, his or her name, signature as a subject of any form or manner of advertising or publicity through lay channels which shall be of such a character as to invite attention to him or to his professional position or skill or as would ordinarily result in his self-aggrandizement.
Provided that he or she may be permitted for formal announcement in media, about the following matters, namely:-
(i) the starting of practice;
(ii) change of address;
(iii) temporary absence from duty;
(iv) resumption of practice;
(v) succeeding to another’s practice;
(vi) registration on any Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission enabled digital platform.
(3) A practitioner of Homeopathy shall not advertise himself or herself directly or indirectly through price lists or publicity materials of manufacturing firms or traders with whom he or she may be connected in any capacity, nor shall he or she publish cases, operations or letters of thanks from patients in non-professional newspapers or journal:
Provided that he or she may be permitted to publish his or her name in connection with a prospectus or a directory or a technical expert’s report.
(4) A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall not follow or promote or practice objectionable claims on various e-platforms nor use the prescription according to such unethical claims which may bring a bad reputation to the system:
Provided that nothing contained in these regulations shall apply, if he or she writes for laying in the media under his own name in matters of public health, hygiene or occasionally delivers a public lecture, gives talks on television or radio relating to health or hygiene without suggesting specific treatment or prescription.
(5) Provided further that Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission enabled digital platform used by a practitioner of Homeopathy in order to enable individuals to search for healthcare providers and healthcare services shall not be considered to be solicitation of patients for the purpose of this regulation.
9. Professional service. –
(1) A practitioner of Homoeopathyengaged in the practice may receive the payment for such services and shall specifically intimateto the patient at the time, the medical service is rendered.
(2) Fee are reducible at the discretion of the practitioner of Homoeopathy and he or she shall always recognize poverty as presenting valid claims for gratuitous services;
(3) It shall be unethical to enter into a contract of “no cure, no payment”.
Duties of Homoeopathic Practitioners to their Patients
10. Obligations to the sick. –During urgency, the Practitioner of Homoeopathy shall, for the sake of humanity and the noble traditions of the profession, not only be ever ready to respond to the calls of the sick and the injured, but also be mindful of the high character of his or her mission and the responsibility he or she incurs in the discharge of his professional duties; considering scope and limitations, of his expertise.
11. Patient not to be neglected. –
(1) A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall be free to choose whom he or she will treat; provided he or she shall respond to any request for his or her assistance in an emergency or whenever expects the service and in case of emergency, the Practitioner of Homoeopathy shall treat the patient; Provided that he or she may refuse treatment due to limitation of his or her expertise; and refer the patient to another appropriate physician or health facility in the interest of patient.
(2) Once having undertaken a case, a practitioner of Homoeopathy shall not neglect the patient nor shall withdraw from the case without giving notice to the patient, through his or her relatives or his or her responsible friend sufficiently long in advance of his or her withdrawal to allow them time to secure another practitioner of Homoeopathy.
12. Acts of negligence. –
(1) No practitioner of Homoeopathy shall willfully commit an act of negligence that may deprive his or her patient of necessary medical care.
(2) A practitioner of Homoeopathy is expected to render due diligence and skill in services as would be expected from another practitioner of Homoeopathy with similar qualifications, experience and attainments.
(3) An act of commission or omission of a practitioner of Homoeopathy shall not be judged by any nonHomoeopathic Standards of professional service expected from him or her; but by those standards as are expected from a Homoeopath of his or her training, standing and experience.
(4) A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall use any drug prepared according to Homoeopathic principles and according to Pharmacopeial standards which is approved by the licensing authorities and adopt other necessary measures including modern investigation techniques i.e., Radiological, Pathological, and others are required for diagnosis and follow up of treatment.
13. Practitioner of Homoeopathy to obey law and regulations. – A practitioner of Homoeopathy, –
(a) shall not act contrary to the laws regulating the practice of Homoeopathy;
(b) shall not assist others to disobey the law regulating the practice of Homoeopathy;
(c) shall act in aid of the enforcement of sanitary laws and regulations in the interest of public health;
(d) A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall observe the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940), Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (8 of 1948), the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Act, 1985 (61 of 1985), the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (34 of 1971), the Transplantation of Human Organs and tissues Act, 1994 (42 of 1994), the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016), and Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998, Environmental (Protection) Act 1986(29 of 1986),Preconception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 (57 of 1994) and such other related Acts and Rules of the Central Government or the State Government or the Local Administrative bodies relating to protection and promotion of public health, as amended time to time.
14. Behaviour towards patients. – The demeanor of a practitioner of Homoeopathy towards his or her patients shall always be courteous, sympathetic, friendly and helpful and every patient shall be treated with attention and consideration.
15. Prognosis. –
(1) The practitioner of Homoeopathy shall neither exaggerate, nor minimize the gravity of a patient’s condition and he or she shall ensure that the patient, his or her relatives or responsible friends have such knowledge of the patient’s condition as will serve the best interest of the patient and his or her family.
(2) In cases of serious manifestations, he or she shall give timely notice to the family or authorized attendant of the patient and also to the patient, when necessary.
16. Ethics of Privacy, Confidentiality and Medical Records (Patience, Delicacy and Secrecy). – Maintaining confidentiality, patience and delicacy shall symbolize or characterize the attitude of a practitioner of Homoeopathy and confidences concerning individual or domestic life entrusted by patients to a practitioner and defects in the disposition or character of patients observed during the medical attendance shall not be revealed by him to anyone unless their revelation is required by the laws time being in force.
Duties of practitioner of Homoeopathy to the Profession
17. Upholding honour of profession. – A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall, at all times, uphold the dignity and honour of the profession.
18. Membership of Medical Society. – For the advancement of his or her profession, a practitioner of Homoeopathy may affiliate with Medical Societies and contribute his or her time, energy and means to his or her progress so that he or she may better represent and promote the ideals of the profession.
19. Exposing unethical conduct. – A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall expose to appropriate authority, without fear or favor, the incompetent, corrupt, dishonest or unethical conduct on the part of any member of the profession.
20. Association with unregistered persons or indulging in malpractice. – A practitioner shall not associate himself or herself professionally with anybody or society of unregistered practitioners of Homoeopathy and practitioners indulging in malpractice.
21. Appointment of substitutes. – Whenever a practitioner of Homoeopathy requests another practitioner of Homoeopathy to attend his patients during his temporary absence from practice, then the professional courtesy requires the acceptance of such appointment by the latter, if it is consistent with his or her other duties and the said practitioner of Homoeopathy acting under such an appointment shall give the utmost consideration to the interests and reputation of the absentee practitioner and shall not charge either the patient or the absentee practitioner of Homoeopathy for his or her services, except in the case of a special arrangement between them and such patients shall be restored to the care of the absentee practitioner of Homoeopathy upon his return.
22. Service without fees to fellow Practitioner.-
(1) A practitioner of Homoeopathy shall consider it a pleasure and privilege to render gratuitous service to his or her professional brother and his dependents if they are in their vicinity or to a medical student and shall not charge for his or her service.
(2) When a practitioner of Homoeopathy is called from a distance to attend or advise another practitioner of Homoeopathy or his or her dependents, reimbursement shall be made for travelling and other incidental expenses.
23. Emergency visit.-
(1) The practitioner of Homoeopathy called upon in an emergency to visit a patient, under the care of another practitioner of Homoeopathy shall, when the emergency is over, retire in favor of the later; but he or she shall be entitled to charge the patient for his services.
(2) When a practitioner of Homoeopathy is consulted at his own residence, it is not necessary for him to enquire of the patient if he or she is under the care of another medical practitioner of Homoeopathy.
(3) When a practitioner of Homoeopathy examines a patient, at the request of another practitioner of Homoeopathy, it shall be his or her duty to write a letter, stating his or her opinion of the case with the mode of treatment, he or she thinks is required to be adopted.
24. Engagement for an Obstetrics case. –
(1) If a practitioner of Homoeopathy is engaged to attend a woman patient during her confinement, he or she shall do so and refusal to do so on an excuse of any other engagement shall be considered unethical, except when he or she is already engaged on a similar or other serious case.
(2) When a practitioner of Homoeopathy who has been engaged to attend on an obstetrics case is absent and another is sent for and delivery is accomplished, then the acting practitioner of Homoeopathy shall be entitled to his professional fees; provided he shall secure the patients consent to withdraw on the arrival of the practitioner of Homoeopathy already engaged.
25. When it becomes the duty of a practitioner of Homoeopathy occupying an official position to see and report upon an illness or injury, he or she shall communicate to the practitioner of Homoeopathy in attendance so as to give him an option of being present and the practitioner of Homoeopathy shall avoid remarks upon the diagnosis or the treatment that has been adopted.
Duties of practitioner of Homoeopathy in Consultation
26. Consultation shall be encouraged. – In cases of serious illness, especially in doubtful or difficult conditions, the practitioner of Homoeopathy shall encourage consultation of experts and he or she shall do so, in perplexing illness, in therapeutic abortions, in the treatment of a woman who had procured criminal abortion, in suspected cases of poisoning, or when desired by the patient or his or her representative.
27. Patient referred to another medical practitioner of Homoeopathy. – When a patient is referred to another practitioner of Homoeopathy by the attending practitioner of Homoeopathy, a statement of the case shall be given to the later practitioner of Homoeopathy and the later practitioner of Homoeopathy shall communicate his opinion in writing, in a closed cover, directly to the attending practitioner of Homoeopathy.
28. Consultation by telemedicine. – The Consultation through telemedicine by the registered Practitioners of Homoeopathic shall be permissible in accordance with the Telemedicine Practice Guidelines issued from time to time by the Central or State Government and other Government authorities and may use its Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission enabled digital platforms or solutions or modules as maintained by the National Health Authority from time to time.
29. Conduct in consultation. –
(1) In consultations, there shall be no place for insincerity, rivalry or envy among the and all due respect shall be shown to the practitioner of Homoeopathy in charge of case and no statement or remarks shall be made which shall impair the confidence reposed in him or her by the patient and for this purpose no discussion shall be carried out in the presence of the patient or his or her representatives.
(2) All statements of the case to the patient or his or her representatives, shall take place in the presence of all other practitioners consulting, except as otherwise agreed and the announcement of the opinion to the patient or his or her relatives and friends shall rest with the attending
(3) Difference of opinion shall not be divulged unnecessarily; provided when there is an irreconcilable difference of opinion, the circumstances shall be frankly and impartially explained to the patient or his friends and it shall be open to them to seek further advice if they so desire, in the interest of patient.
30. Consent to medical treatment: No consent of patient or relative or guardian is required for consultant or indoor patient department (IPD) treatment or for Diagnostic procedures and in case of emergency conditions, consent of patient or guardian shall be obtained and if a practitioner of Homoeopathy does not do so, he shall be liable to be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
Provided that the treatments for dealing with emergency situations, where there is no time and patient’s life is at stake, may be given without obtaining prior consent and the consent shall be deemed to be implied.
31. Treatment after consultation. –
(1) The attending practitioner of Homoeopathy may decide subsequent variations in the treatment change may be required; provided that he will state the reasons of such variations in next consultations.
(2) The consultant shall have the same privilege, with its obligations, when sent for an emergency during the absence of the attending practitioner of Homoeopathy; Provided that the attending practitioner of Homoeopathy may prescribe at any time to the patient, as and when the patient consult the practitioners of Homoeopathy.
32. Consultant not to take charge of the case. – When a practitioner of Homoeopathy has been called as a consultant in the rarest and most exceptional circumstances, he or she shall justify the consultation taking charge of the case and the consultant shall not do so merely on the solicitation of the patient or his or her friend.
Duties of Practitioners of Homoeopathy to the Public
33. Practitioners as citizens. –A practitioners of Homoeopathy, possessing special training, shall advise concerning the health of the community wherein they dwell and they shall play their part in enforcing the laws of the community and in sustaining the institutions that advance the interest of humanity, cooperate with the authorities in the observance and enforcement of sanitary laws and regulations and shall observe the provisions of all laws relating to Drugs, Poisons and Pharmacy made for the protection and promotion of public health.
34. Public health. –(1)A practitioners of Homoeopathy, engaged in public health work, shall enlighten the public concerning quarantine regulations and measures for the prevention of epidemic and communicable disease and in all times he shall notify the constituted public health authorities of every case of communicable disease under his care, in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the health authorities and when an epidemic prevails, the practitioner of Homoeopathy shall continue his labour without regard to the risk of his own health.
35. Dispensing. – A practitioner of Homoeopathy has a right to prepare and dispense his own prescription which shall be done as per need and according to the principle of Homoeopathy at the most hygienic way.
36. Professional or ethical Misconduct.- The following acts of commission or omission by a practitioner of Homoeopathy shall constitute professional misconduct and shall be liable for disciplinary action, if, he or she : –
(a) contravenes any of the provisions of these regulations;
(b) fails to display the registration number accorded to him or her by the Commission or State Medical Council for Homoeopathy, in his or her clinic;
(c) fails to maintain the records of prescription and certificates issued by him or her;
(d) commits the offence of adultery or misbehaves with a patient, or maintain improper association with a patient;
(e) convicted by a court of law for offences involving moral turpitude;
(f) signs or gives under his or her name and authority any certificate, report or document of kindred character which is untrue, misleading and improper;
(g) contravenes the provisions of law relating to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940(23 of 1940) and the rules made thereunder;
(h) sells a drug or poison prohibited by the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940(23 of 1940) and the rules made thereunder;
(i) performs or encourages un-qualified person to perform abortion or any major surgical operation;
(j) issues certificate of experience in Homoeopathy to unqualified or non-medical persons:
Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall prevent or restrict the proper training and instruction of legitimate employees of doctors, midwives, dispensers, attendants or skilled mechanical and technical assistants under the personal supervision of practitioner of Homoeopathy;
(k) affixes a signboard in the shop of a chemist or in a place where he or she does not reside or work;
(l) discloses the secrets or confidential information of a patient without his or her consent that have been learnt in the exercise of profession, except in a court of law under order of the presiding judge;
(m) contravenes the guidelines issued by the Commission or concerned State Medical Council for Homoeopathy:
Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall apply even if he or she conducts the Clinical drug trials or other research involving patients or volunteers as per the guidelines of the Central Government or State Government authorities;
(n) publishes photographs or case-reports of patient with identity in any medical or other journal without written consent of the patient, can publish only case reports without any disclosure of identity of patient.
(o) exhibits in public the scale of fees:
Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall apply even if he or she displays the same in the physician’s consulting or waiting room;
(p) uses touts or agents for procuring patients;
(q) claims to be a specialist without possessing a special qualification listed by the Commission in the branch concerned;
(r) advertises or notifies the name of the institution or clinic in which no facility is offered or names of the diseases not treated;
(s) publishes the names or photographs of doctor running or attending the clinic or institution in the advertisement;
(t) refuses to treat the patients on the grounds of religion or caste;
(u) issues any certificate referred to in Appendix- II to these regulations, which is found false, untrue, misleading or improper, his or her name shall be removed from the Register of Homoeopathic Practitioners, both from State and National Register;
(v) Commits any other conduct which is found misconduct by the State Medical Council for Homoeopathy or by Board of Ethics and Regulation for Homoeopathy of National Commission for Homoeopathy;
(w) is convicted for offences arising from drunkenness or abuse of alcohol which is likely to be regarded as professional misconduct;
(x) treats the patients or perform other professional duties while being rendered unfit to perform such duties by the influence of alcohol or drugs;
(y) practices, any other system of medicine other than Homoeopathy:
Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall prevent or restrict to practice by medical practitioner of Homoeopathic under the National Health Programme and others programme run by Central or State Government after undergone any training or course recognized or prescribed by the competent authority.
Provided further that the instances of professional misconduct mentioned under this regulation shall not constitute a complete list for disciplinary action and the State Medical Councils for Homoeopathy are in no way precluded from considering and dealing with any other form of professional misconduct on the part of a registered practitioner of Homoeopathy.
37. Pharmacovigilance.-The practitioner of Homoeopathy shall report to appropriate authorities, for any adverse events attributed to any Homoeopathic Medicinal product, if observed by him while treating patient.
38. The practitioner of Homoeopathy shall follow the following guidelines on proper prescription and dispensing, namely:-
(a) shall be familiar with updated knowledge and guidelines on the use of Homoeopathic medicines;
(b) shall prescribe drugs only in the dose and for the duration as necessary for the clinical condition being treated;
(c) shall prescribe drugs after proper clinical assessment and diagnosis;
(d) shall maintain patients record as per Good Clinical Practice guidelines for Homoeopathic practitioners published by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, under the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India.
39. The Manner taking disciplinary action and the procedure for receiving complaints –
(1) Where a practitioner of Homoeopathy commits any act of Professional or Ethical misconduct, the State Medical Council or Board of Ethics and Registration for Homoeopathy shall take action suo-moto or on receipt of the written complaint as per the form given at Appendix-IV with relevant supporting documents and identity proof within a period of six months from the date of filing compliant.
(2) After receiving of the complaint, the State Medical Council or Board of Ethics and Registration for Homoeopathy shall examine the matter and after making enquiry shall decide the matter within the period of three months from the date of filing such complaints.
Provided that before deciding the complaint the State Medical Council or Board of Ethics and Registration for Homoeopathy shall give an opportunity of being heard to the practitioner of Homoeopathy.
(3) If after enquiry, the State Medical Council or Board of Ethics and Registration for Homoeopathy found the practitioner of Homoeopathy guilty for professional or Ethical misconduct, it shall take action against such practitioner of Homoeopathy in accordance with the provisions of the Act or the respective State Act, as the case may be.
President, Board of Ethics & Registration for Homoeopathy
[See regulation 3]
(1) I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity.
(2) Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.
(3) I will maintain the utmost respect for human life.
(4) I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, political beliefs or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient.
(5) I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity in accordance with the principles of Homoeopathy.
(6) The health of my patient shall be my first consideration.
(7) I will respect the secrets which are confided to me, during homoeopathic consultation.
(8) I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due.
(9) I will maintain by all means in my power the honour and noble traditions of medical profession.
(10) I will treat my colleagues with respect and dignity
(11) I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.
(12) I shall abide by the Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulation for Homoeopathic practice as amended time to time.
Hahnemannian Oath
“On my honour, I swear that, I shall practice the teachings of Homoeopathy, perform my duty as expected from me, render justice to my patients and help the sick whosoever comes to me for treatment. May the teachings of Master Hahnemann inspire me and may I have the strength for fulfillment of my mission with the aim to cure the sick.”
Signature _______________
Registrar, State Medical Council for Homoeopathy
[See regulation 36(u)]
List of Certificates to be issued by Homoeopathic Doctors for the purpose of Various Acts or Administrative Requirements.
1. Certificate of birth or death or disposal of the dead under various Central Acts or State Acts;
2. Certificate of lunacy and mental illness under the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 (10 of 2017).
3. Certificate under the Education Acts.
4. Certificate under the Public Health Acts and the orders made thereunder.
5. Certificate under the Acts and orders relating to the notification of infectious diseases.
6. Certificate under the Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948).
7. Certificate in connection with insurance benefits.
8. Certificate for procuring or issuing of passport or driving license.
9. Certificate of illness for seeking exemption from attending Court of Justice / Government offices or in private employment.
10. Certificate in connection with Pension matters
(See regulation 7)
I, Dr. ………………………………………………… after careful personal examination of the case, hereby certify that Sh. /Smt. /Km. ………………….………………………. whose signature is given below, is suffering from ……………………………………………………….. and I consider that a period of ……. days with effect from ……………….… is absolutely necessary for the restoration of his/her health.
Signature of the Patient ………………………………………………
Signature of Authorized Medical Attendant With Regn. No. and stamp / seal
I, Dr. ………………………………………………… after careful examination of the case, here by certify that Smt./Sri/Ms.………………….………………………..on restoration of health is now fit to join duty.
Signature of the Patient ………………………………………………
Signature of Authorized Medical Attendant With Regn. No. and stamp / seal
Prescribed Form for Complaint
(See Regulation 39)
1. Detail of the Complainant:
(a) Name :
(b) Address:
(c) Qualification:
(d) Phone Number:
(e) Email ID:
(f) Identity card details :
2. Detail of the Medical Practitioner of Homoeopathy against which complaint is being lodging :
(a) Name :
(b) Address: (i) present :
(ii) Permanent:
(c) Qualification:
(d) Phone Number, if any:
(e) Email ID, if any:
(f) details of the State Medical Council where aforesaid medical practitioner of Homoeopathy Registered:
(g) State Registration Number _________________
(h) Enrollment No in National Register For Homoeopathy (NRH) or CRH …
3. Date and year of alleged misconduct:
4. Whether the Complainant has approached any other Forum or remedy Exercised?
5. Whether any court proceedings are adopted or pending connected with the alleged misconduct?
6. Documents if any relied upon by the Complainant (annex -copies):
7. Whether the applicant has any witness in support of his allegations? If so, give their names and address? :
8. Brief Facts with regard to alleged misconduct. :
9. Explanation for delay I filling Complainant, if any. :
10. Any other relevant information with regard to the alleged misconduct.
Name :
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .