Absent minded, 11am to 4pm | Kali-n |
Absent minded, noon | Mosch |
Absent minded, menses, during | Calc |
Absent minded, starts when spoken to | Carb-ac |
Absent minded, writing, while | Mag-c |
Absorbed, buried in thoughts, daytime | Elaps |
Absorbed, afternoon | Mang |
Absorbed, alternating with frivolity | Arg-n |
Absorbed, as to what would become of him | Nat-m |
Absorbed, eating, after | Aloes |
Absorbed, menses, during | Mur-ac |
Abstraction of mind, morning | Guaj |
Abusive, forenoon | Ran-b |
Abusive, evening | Am-c |
Abusive, angry, without being | Dulc |
Abusive, pains, with the | Cor-r |
Abusive, scolds until the lips are blue and eyes stare and she falls down fainting | Mosch |
Activity desire, fruitless | Stann |
Affectation | Stram |
Anger, forenoon | Carb-v |
Anger, 11am | Sulph |
Anger, caressing, from | Chin |
Anger, convulsion, before | Bufo |
Anger, misunderstood, when | Bufo |
Anger, thinking of his ailments | Aur-m |
Anger, throws things away | Staph |
Anguish, 5am to 5pm | Psor |
Anguish, 4am | Alum |
Anguish, chill, during | Arn |
Anguish, driving from place to place | Ars |
Anguish, eating, while | Sep |
Anguish, heat, during | Arn |
Anguish, menses, before | Graph |
Anguish, open air amel | Cann-i |
Anguish, perspiration, during | Arn |
Answers, aversion to, morning | Mag-m |
Answers, aversion to, loquacious at other times | Cimic |
Answers, aversion to, sings, talks, but will not answer questions | Agar |
Anxiety, 5am to 5pm | Psor |
Anxiety, forenoon, 11 am | Arg-n |
Anxiety, noon, till 3pm | Aster |
Anxiety, afternoon, 3 to 6pm | Con |
Anxiety, , afternoon, 4 pm, to 5 pm | thuj |
Anxiety, afternoon, 4 pm, to 6pm | Carb-v |
Anxiety, afternoon, 5 to 6pm | Am-c |
Anxiety, evening, until 11pm | Bor |
Anxiety, evening, bed, in, amel. | Mag-c |
Anxiety, evening, bed, in, closing the eyes, on | Mag-m |
Anxiety, evening, bed, in, violent exercise, from | Ox-ac |
Anxiety, 6pm | Dig |
Anxiety, 8pm | Mur-ac |
Anxiety, midnight, 11 pm | Ruta |
Anxiety, midnight, after, 1 to 3 am | Hep |
Anxiety, midnight, after, 2 am | Nat-m |
Anxiety, midnight after, until 2 am | Carb-an |
Anxiety, midnight, after, 4 am | Alum |
Anxiety, anger, during | Sep |
Anxiety, apparition, from horrible, while awake | Zinc |
Anxiety, ascending steps, on | Nit-c |
Anxiety, bathing feet, after | Nat-c |
Anxiety, chagrin, after | Lyco |
Anxiety, children, in, about his | Acet-ac |
Anxiety, children, in, when lifted from the cradle | Calc-p |
Anxiety, church bell, from hearing | Lyss |
Anxiety, coition, after | Sep |
Anxiety, coition, after, thought of (in a woman) | Kreos |
Anxiety, cold, becoming, from | Manc |
Anxiety, continence prolonged, from | Con |
Cough, before attack of whooping cough | Cupr |
Anxiety, cruelties, after hearing of | Calc |
Anxiety, dinner, during | Mag-m |
Anxiety, dinner, amel | Sulph |
Anxiety, drinking, after | Cimx |
Anxiety, eating, warm food | Mag-c |
Anxiety, exercise, amel | Tarent |
Anxiety, exertion of eyes | Sep |
Anxiety, expected of him, when anything is | Ars |
Anxiety, flatus, emission of, amel | Calc |
Anxiety, foot bath, after a | Nat-c |
Anxiety, hot air , as if in | Puls |
Anxiety, house, amel in | Ign |
Anxiety, looking steadily | Sep |
Anxiety, lying, amel | Mang |
Vlying, side on, right, from flatulence | Kali-c |
Anxiety, manual labor, from | Iod |
Anxiety, menses, after, which prevents sleep | Agar |
Anxiety, paroxysms | Nit-ac |
Anxiety, playing, piano, while | Nat-c |
Anxiety, pressure on chest | Sulph |
Anxiety, pursued when walking, as if | Anac |
Anxiety, railroad, when about to journey by, amel, while in train | Ars |
Anxiety, rising after, from a seat | Mill |
Anxiety, salvation about, morning | Psor |
Anxiety, sewing | Sep |
Anxiety, shaving, while | Calad |
Anxiety, sitting, amel | Iod |
Anxiety, sitting, bent | Rhus-t |
Anxiety, sleep, evening | Berb |
Anxiety, sleep, partial slumbering in the morning, during | Junc |
Anxiety, speaking, in company | Plat |
Anxiety, stool, while straining at | Caust |
Anxiety, stooping, amel | Bar-m |
Anxiety, thoughts from | Calc |
Anxiety, urination, after | Dig |
Anxiety, voice, on raising the | Cann-s |
Anxiety, warm bed yet limbs cold if uncovered | Mag-c |
Ardent | Nux-v |
Attitudes, assumes strange | Plb |
Aversion, friends, during pregnancy | Con |
Aversion, those around | Ars |
Bed, jumps out of and runs recklessly about | Sabad |
Begging, in sleep | Stann |
benevolence | Coff |
Biting, convulsion, with | Lyss |
Biting, tumblers | Ars |
Blindness, pretended | Verat |
Blood, cannot look at, or a knife | Alum |
Brooding, evening | Verat |
Busy, fruitlessly | Stann |
Capriciousness, morning | Staph |
Capriciousness, evening | Ign |
Cares, ailments from | Ph-ac |
Cares, trifles about | Ars |
Carried, desire, in croup | Brom |
Carried, desire, slowly | Puls |
Cautious, anxiously | Caust |
Censorious, afternoon | Dulc |
Censorious, disposed to find fault or is silent | Verat |
Chases, imaginary objects | Stramm |
Chases, persons | Cur |
Cheerful, morning, 8 am | Hura |
Cheerfulness, alternating, pain, with | Plat |
Cheerfulness, alternating, physical sufferings | Plat |
Cheerfulness, sadness, want of sympathy, with | Merc |
Cheerfulness, bed, in | Hep |
Cheerfulness, coition, after | Nat-m |
Cheerfulness, company, in | Bov |
Cheerfulness, Convulsions, after | Sulph |
Cheerfulness, pain, with all | Spig |
Cheerfulness, room, in the amel | Tarent |
Cheerfulness, supper, after | Cist |
Cheerfulness, thinking of death, while | Aur |
Cheerfulness, thunder and lightning, when it | Sep |
Cheerfulness, waking, on | Tarent |
Children, aversion to | Plat |
Children, desire to beat | Chel |
Children, desire to have, to beget | Ox-ac |
Children, especially little girls | Raph |
Children, flies from his own | Lyc |
Clinging, child awakens terrified, knows no one, screams, clings those near | Stram |
Color, aversion to red, yellow, green and black | Tarent |
Company, aversion, morning | Alum |
Company, aversion, forenoon | Alum |
Company, aversion, alternating with burst of pleasantry and sarcasm | Rhus-t |
Company, avoids sight of people, shuts herself up | Cur |
Company, desire, to indulge her fancy | Lach |
Company, desire, lie with closed eyes | Sep |
Company, aversion to meeting of friends, whom he imagines he has offended | Ars |
Company, aversion, pregnant when | Lach |
Company, aversion, presence of strangers, people intolerable to her during stools | Ambra |
Company, aversion, presence of strangers, during urination | Nat-m |
Company, aversion, smiling faces | Ambra |
Company, aversion, walk alone, want to | Caj |
Company, desire, friend, of a | Plb |
Company, desire, menses, during | Stram |
Company, desires, yet treats them outrageously | Kali-c |
Complaining, offenses long past | Calc |
Complaining, supposed injury, of | Hyos |
Complaining, waking, on | Cina |
Concentration, difficult, alternating with uterine pains | Gels. |
Concentration, difficult, calculating, while | Nux-v |
Concentration, difficult, conversation, during | Lyc |
Concentration, difficult, crazy feeling, on top of head, wild feeling in head, with confusion of ideas | Lil-t |
Concentration, difficult, interrupted, if | Berb |
Concentration, difficult, on attempting to, it becomes dark before the eyes | Arg-n |
Confidence, want of, and thinks others have none which makes her unhappy | Aur |
Confusion, bread agg | Crot-t |
Confusion, conversation agg | Sil |
Confusion, cough, before paroxysm of | Cina |
Confusion, emissions | Selen |
Confusion, injury to head, after | Nat-s |
Confusion, laughing, agg | Ther |
Confusion, mental exertion, amel | Carb-v |
Confusion, periodic | Staph |
Confusion, pregnancy, during | Nux-v |
Confusion, reading while, if he attempts to understand it | Olnd |
Confusion, spoken to, when | Sep |
Confusion, stooping, amel | Verat |
Confusion, urination, amel | tereb |
Confusion, vexation, after | Nux-v |
Confusion, weeping, amel | Sep |
Confusion, will, strong effort of, amel | Glon |
Confusion, wrapping head amel | Mag-m |
Confusion, yawning amel | Bry |
Conscientious, about trifles, 4 to 8 pm | Lyc |
Conscientious, about trifles, eating after | Ign |
Consolation, amel | Puls |
Contemptuous, in open air or when sun shines into room | Plat |
Contemptuous, paroxysms against her will | Plat |
Contradiction, afternoon | Canth |
Counting, continually | Phys |
Crawling, on floor | Lach |
Croaking, in sleep | Bell |
Cursing, all night, and complains of stupid feeling | Verat |
Cursing, convulsions during | ars |
Cut others, desires to | Lyss |
Dancing, alternating with sighing | Bell |
Dancing, unconscious | Ph-ac |
Deafness, pretended | Verat |
Death, desires, forenoon | Apis |
Death, desires, afternoon | Ruta |
Death, desires, menses, during | Berb |
Death, desires, walking in open air while | Bell |
Death, presentiment of, believes that she will die soon, and that she cannot be helped | Agn |
Death, presentiments, thinks of death calmly | Zinc |
Death, sensation of, chill, during | Cann-i |
Death, sensation of, spasm, during | Nux-v |
Death, thought of, morning | con |
Death, thought of, afternoon | Tarent |
Death, thought of, alone when | Crot-c |
Deeds, feels as if he could do great | Hell |
Delirium, evening, nap during | Nux-v |
Delirium, night, 1 to 2am | Lach |
Delirium, abandons her relatives | Sec |
Delirium, absurd things, does | Sec |
Delirium, alternating with colic | Plb |
Delirium, angry | Cocc |
Delirium, arms, throws about | Bell |
Delirium, attacks people with knife | Hyos |
Delirium, bed, creeps about in | Stram |
Delirium, bellows like a calf | Cupr |
Delirium, blames herself for his folly | Op |
Delirium, changing subjects rapidly | Lach |
Delirium, coldness, with | Verat |
Delirium, convulsions before | Op |
Delirium, crying, for help | Canth |
Delirium, depletion, after | Chin |
Delirium, embraces the stove | Hyos |
Delirium, epilepsy during | Op |
Delirium, fatigue, study, etc, from | Lach |
Delirium, fires, talk of | Calc |
Delirium, foreign countries, talks of | Cann-i |
Delirium, foreign languages, talks in a | Stram |
Delirium, gay, alternating with laughing, singing, whistling, crying, etc | Stram |
Delirium, gay with melancholy | Agar |
Delirium, heat agg | Stram |
Delirium, intermittent | Con |
Delirium, look, staring, with wrinkled face | Stram |
Delirium, mental exertion | Lach |
Delirium, miscarriage after | Ruta |
Delirium, mouth, moves lips, as if talking | Bell |
Delirium, mouth, put stones in | Merc |
Delirium, murmuring, slowly | Ph-ac |
Delirium, Delirium, muttering, slowly | Ph-ac |
Delirium, periodic | Samb |
Delirium, perspiration, amel | Aeth |
Delirium, picking at nose or lips, with | Arum-t |
Delirium, repeats the same sentence | Camph |
Delirium, rolls on floor | Op |
Delirium, romping with children | Agar |
Delirium, same subject all time | Petr |
Delirium, trembling, with | Valer |
Delirium, urinates on the floor, tries to | Plb |
Delirium, urinates outside the pot | Bell |
Delirium, violent, is restrained and calmed with great difficulty | Zinc |
Delirium, wedding, prepares for | Hyos |
Delirium, wild, at night | Plb |
Delirium, wraps up in fur during summer | Hyos |
Delirium, wrongs, of fancied | Hyos |
Delusions, abdomen is fallen in, his stomach devoured, his scrotum swollen | Sabad |
Delusions, absurd, ludicrous | Cann-i |
Delusions, air, that he is hovering in, like is spirit | Asar |
Delusions, alone, in a wilderness | Stram |
Delusions, animals of, abdomen, are in | Thuja |
Delusions, animals of, bed, dancing on the | Con |
Delusions, animals of, black, on walls and furniture, sees | Bell |
Delusions, animals of, creeping of | Lac-c |
Delusions, animals of, creeping, in her | Stram |
Delusions, animals of, cup, in a, moving | Hyos |
Delusions, animals of, dark coloured | Bell |
Delusions, animals of, fire, in the | Bell |
Delusions, animals of, grotesque | Absin |
Delusions, animals of, jump out of ground | Stram |
Delusions, animals of, jumping at her | Merc |
Delusions, animals of, passing before her | Thuj |
Delusions, animals of, persons are, unclean | Bell |
Delusions, ant, bed seems full of | Plb |
Delusions, apoplexy, thought he would have | Arg-m |
Delusions, argument, making an eloquent | Cann-i |
Delusions, arms are bound to her body | Cimic |
Delusions, arms, do not belong to her | Agar |
Delusions, arms, reach the cloud when going to sleep | Pic-ac |
Delusions, arms, that she has three | Petr |
Delusions, assaulted, is going to be | Tarent |
Delusions, asylum, that she will be sent to | Cench |
Delusions, babies, are two in bed | Petr |
Delusions, ball, that he is sitting on | Cann-i |
Delusions, beaten, that he is being | Elaps |
Delusions, beautiful, micturition, after, all things seems | Eug |
Delusions, beautiful, rags seem, even | Suplh |
Delusions, bed, feels as if not lying on, on waking, 4 a.m. | Hyper |
Delusions, bed, evening, as if some one would get into and no room in it, or as if some one had sold it | Nux-v. |
Delusions, bed, drawn from under her | Stram |
Delusions, bed, two persons in bed, with her | Cycl |
Delusions, bed, motion, in | Lac-c |
Delusions, bed, naked man is wrapped in the bedclothes with her | Puls |
Delusions, bed, raised, were | Canth |
Delusions, bed, someone over it | Calc |
Delusions, bed, someone, drives him out | Rhus-t |
Delusions, bed, someone, stands at the foot menacing | Chlol |
Delusions, bed, someone, tries to take away the bed clothes | Bell |
Delusions, bed, someone, under it, knocking | Canth |
Delusions, bees, sees | Puls |
Delusions, bells, hears, his funeral | Ether |
Delusions, bells hears, numberless sweet toned | Cann-i |
Delusions, bells hears, door bell | Thea |
Delusions, belong to her own family, does not | Plat |
Delusions, betrothal must be broken | Fl-ac |
Delusions, better than others, that he is | Myric |
Delusions, bewitched, thinks he is | Cann-i |
Delusions, birds, that he is picking feathers from | Hyos |
Delusions, black objects and people | Stram |
Delusions, blood rushed through like roar of many waters | Cann-i |
Delusions, body adherent to woollen sack, night, while half awake | Coc-c |
Delusions, body, alive on one side, buried on the other | Stram |
Delusions, body, black, as if it were | Sulph |
Delusions, body, brittle, is | Thuj |
Delusions, body, covered the whole earth | Cann-i |
Delusions, body, covered the whole bed | Pyrog |
Delusions, body, delicate | Thuj |
Delusions, body, erroneous ideas as to the state of his | Sabad |
Delusions, body, shrunken, like the dead | Sabad |
Delusions, body, spotted brown, as if | Bell |
Delusions, body, sweets, is made of | Merc |
Delusions, body, thin, is | Thuj |
Delusions, body, would sink down between the thighs | Bell |
Delusions, born, feels as if newly, into the world and was overwhelmed with wonder at the novelty of his surroundings | Cor-r |
Delusions, brother fell overboard in her sight | Kali-br |
Delusions, building stones, appearance of | Thuj |
Delusions, business, unfit for, that he is | Croc |
Delusions, calls, for absent persons | Hyos |
Delusions, cancer, has a | Verat |
Delusions, castles and palaces, sees | Plb |
Delusions, caught, as if he would be | Bell |
Delusions, chair is rising up | Phos |
Delusions, chairs, thinks he is repairing old | Cupr |
Delusions, changing suddenly | Cann-i |
Delusions, child, childish fantasies, has | Lyc |
Delusions, child, is with companions of his youth | Ether |
Delusions, child, not hers | Anac |
Delusions, child, thinks he is again a | Cic |
Delusions, children, thinks he must drive, out of the house | Fl-ac |
Delusions, chin, too long, is | Glon |
Delusions, choir, on hearing music thinks he is in a cathedral | Cann-i |
Delusions, choked, thinks he is about to be, night on waking | Cann-i |
Delusions, choked, by icy-cold hands | Canth |
Delusions, Christ, thinks himself to be | Cann-i |
Delusions, churchyard, that he is dancing in | Stram |
Delusions, clock, hears strike | Ph-ac |
Delusions, clothes, is clad in rags | Cann-i |
Delusions, clothes, would fly away and become wandering stars, on undressing | Cann-i |
Delusions, clouds, strange, settled upon patients, or danced about the sun | Cann-i |
Delusions, clouds, heavy black enveloped her | Cimic |
Delusions, clouds and rocks as if looking over | Mag-m |
Delusions, cockroaches swarmed about the room | Bell |
Delusions, companions seemed half men, half plants | Cann-i |
Delusions, confusion, imagines others will observe her | Calc |
Delusions, consciousness, belongs to another | Alum |
Delusions, conspiracies against her father, thought the landlord’s bills were | Kali-br |
Delusions, contaminates everything she touches | Ars |
Delusions, convent, thinks she will have to go to a | Lac-d |
Delusions, corner, sees something coming out of | Phos |
Delusions, corners of houses seem to project so that he fears he will run against them while walking in the street | Arg-n |
Delusions, cowards, thinks persons leaving him to be | Cann-i |
Delusions, crabs, of | Hyos |
Delusions, creative power, has | Cann-i |
Delusions, crime about to commit a | Kali-br |
Delusions, criminals, and others know it | Cob |
Delusions, cucumbers, sees on the bed | Bell |
Delusions, cut through, as if he were | Stram |
Delusions, cut through, in two | Plat |
Delusions, cylinder, seemed to be a | Cann-i |
Delusions, dancing satyres and nodding mandarins | Cann-i |
Delusions, danger, to his life | Plb |
Delusions, danger, from his family | Kali-br |
Delusions, dead, everything is | Mez |
Delusions, dead, morning on waking, frightened by images of | Hep |
Delusions, dead, midnight, on waking | Cann-i |
Delusions, dead, all her friends are dead and she must go to a convent | Lac-d |
Delusions, corpse, of absent acquaintance on sofa and has dread | Ars |
Delusions, corpse, of husband | Plb |
Delusions, corpse, of sister | Agar |
Delusions, corpse, tall yellow, trying to share bed with him and promptly ejected | Bell |
Delusions, corpse, her child was dead | Kali-br |
Delusions, corpse, his mother is dead : Lach | Lach |
Delusions, deaf and dumb | Verat |
Delusions, debate, of being in | Hyos |
Delusions, delirious, at night, expected to become | Bry |
Delusions, delirious, imagines he was | Cann-i |
Delusions, devils, possessed of a, is | Hyos |
Delusions, devils, that everyone is | Meli |
Delusions, devils, that all persons are | Plat |
Delusions, devils, he will be taken by the devil | Manc |
Delusions, devoured, had been by animals | Hyos |
Delusions, die, while walking thinks he will have a fit or die, which makes him walk faster | Arg-n |
Delusions, die, would, and soon be dissected | Cann-i |
Delusions, diminished, abdomen has fallen in | Sabad |
Delusions, diminished, everything in room, is while she is tall and elevated | Plat |
Delusions, diminished, left side of body is smaller | Cinnam |
Delusions, diminished, short | Lac-c |
Delusions, diminished, shrunken, parts are | Sabad |
Delusions, diminished, small | Grat |
Delusions, diminished, thin, is too | Thuj |
Delusions, diminished, whole body is | Agar |
Delusions, dirty, eating dirt | Verat |
Delusions, dirty, everything is, that | Cur |
Delusions, disabled, that she is | Cit-v |
Delusions, disease, is deaf, dumb and has cancer | Verat |
Delusions, diseases, unrecognized, has an | Raph |
Delusions, dissected, that he will be | Cann-i |
Delusions, divided, or cut in two | Plat |
Delusions, divided, and could not tell of which part he had possession on waking | Thuj |
Delusions, doctors, thought three were coming | Sep |
Delusions, dogs, attack him | Stram |
Delusions, dogs, biting his chest | Stram |
Delusions, dogs, black | Bell |
Delusions, dolls, people appeared like | Plb |
Delusions, door, that someone was coming in at the, at night | Con |
Delusions, double, one limb is | Petr |
Delusions, double, sensations present themselves in a double form | Cann-i |
Delusions, dragged from lowest abyss of darkness, at night, on waking | Thea |
Delusions, dreaming when awake, imagines himself | Bell |
Delusions, drinking | Bell |
Delusions, driving sheep | Acon |
Delusions, driving, peacocks | Hyos |
Delusions, dumb, thinks he is | Verat |
Delusions, elevated in air | Nitro-o |
Delusions, elevated, carried to an elevation | Oena |
Delusions, elevated, bed were raised | Canth |
Delusions, emperor, thought himself an | Cann-i |
Delusions, emperor, talked of | Carb-s |
Delusions, encaged in wires | Cimic |
Delusions, enemy, under the bed, is | Am-m |
Delusions, enlarged, chin is | Glon |
Delusions, enlarged, eye-lashes are | Cann-i |
Delusions, enlarged, objects are | Cann-i |
Delusions, enlarged, one leg is longer | Cann-i |
Delusions, enlarged, scrotum is swollen | Sabad |
Delusions, epilepsy, fancies he has | Atro |
Delusions, eternity, that he was in | Cann-i |
Delusions, eternity, excited | Coff |
Delusions, executioner, visions of an | Stram |
Delusions, existence, doubt if anything had | Agn |
Delusions, existence, doubted his own | Cann-i |
Delusions, expanding, thought passers-by were | Cann-i |
Delusions, experienced before, thought everything had been | Kali-br |
Delusions, eyes, falling out | Crot-c |
Delusions, faces, distinguished people of | Cann-i |
Delusions, faces, elongated, it | Stram |
Delusions, faces, ridiculous | Cann-i |
Delusions, faces, stooping, when | Nat-m |
Delusions, faces, ugly faces seem pleasing | Cann-i |
Delusions, falling forward, that she is | Elaps |
Delusions, falling, inward, walls of room seem, before epileptic fit | Carb-v |
Delusions, falling, that he is falling | Stram |
Delusions, family, does not belong to her own | Plat |
Delusions, fancies, open air amel. | Plat |
Delusions, figures, gigantic | Atro |
Delusions, figures, hurled bottle at | Chlol |
Delusions, figures, large black, about to spring on him | Mosch |
Delusions, figures, marching in the air, evening while half asleep | Nat-c |
Delusions, fingers cut off | Mosch |
Delusions, finger-nails seem as large a plates during drowsiness | Cann-i |
Delusions, fires, distant home, on | Bell |
Delusions, fires, every noise is a cry of fire, she thinks, and she trembles | Bar-c |
Delusions, fires, head is surrounded by | Am-m |
Delusions, fires, neighbor’s house on, morning, waking in a fright | Hep |
Delusions, fires, room is on | Stram |
Delusions, fires, world is on | Hep |
Delusions, fit, thinks she will have a fit and walks faster | Arg-n |
Delusions, floating, evening | Bell |
Delusions, floating, walking, while | Asar |
Delusions, fluid, ethereal surrounded by, resisting passage | Cann-i |
Delusions, flying, from a rock into dark abyss, on going to bed | Cann-i |
Delusions, footsteps, behind him | Crot-c |
Delusions, footsteps, in next room | Nat-p |
Delusions, foul, everything appears | Cur |
Delusions, fowls, sees | Stram |
Delusions, friend, thinks she is about to lose a | Hura |
Delusions, friend, met with an accident | Ars |
Delusions, friend, offended | Ars |
Delusions, furniture, imagines it to be persons, night on waking | Nat-p |
Delusions, gallows, vision of, with fear of | Bell |
Delusions, geese, threw themselves into water, thinking themselves to be | Con |
Delusions, geese, sees | Hyos |
Delusions, general, that he is a | Cupr |
Delusions, giants, sees | Bell |
Delusions, giraffe, imagines himself to be a | Cann-i |
Delusions, glass, that she is made of | Thuj |
Delusions, god, is the object of god’s vengeance | Kali-br |
Delusions, goitre, imagines he has a | Indg |
Delusions, goitre, has one which he cannot see over when sitting down | Zinc |
Delusions, goose, that he is a | Con |
Delusions, groans, fancies he hears | Crot-c |
Delusions, growling, as of a bear | Mag-m |
Delusions, hall, illusions of a gigantic hall | Cann-i |
Delusions, halves, left half does not belong to her | Sil |
Delusions, hand, midnight vision of something taking her | Canth |
Delusions, hand, felt a delicate, smoothing her head | Med |
Delusions, hand, visions, of white, outspread, coming toward face in the darkness | Benz |
Delusions, hanging, sees persons | Ars |
Delusions, hanging, three feet from the ground, on falling asleep | Hura |
Delusions, hanging, or standing high, seems as if | Phos |
Delusions, happen, that something terrible is going to | Lyss |
Delusions, happy, that he will never be, in his own house | Ars |
Delusions, harlequin, as if he were a | Hyos |
Delusions, hat is a pair of trousers which he tries to put on | Stram |
Delusions, head, belongs to another | Ther |
Delusions, head, can lift it off | Ther |
Delusions, head, cold breeze blows on | Petr |
Delusions, head, deceased acquaintances, of, without bodies, at night | Nux-v |
Delusions, head, heavy, his own seemed too | Bry |
Delusions, head, large, seems too | Acon |
Delusions, head, large, heads, make grimaces evening on closing eyes | Euphr |
Delusions, head, monstrous, on distant wall of room | Cann-i |
Delusions, head, pendulum, seems an inverted, oscillating | Cann-i |
Delusions, head, sees friend’s, stick out of a bottle | Bell |
Delusions, head, thinks disease will break out of | Stram |
Delusions, head, transparent and speckled brown | Bell |
Delusions, head, two, thinks she has | Nux-m |
Delusions, health, he has ruined his | Chel |
Delusions, heart diseases, is going to have, and die | Lac-c |
Delusions, heart, too large | Lach |
Delusions, turning around, is | Aur |
Delusions, heat, has a furious, radiating from epigastrium | Cann-i |
Delusions, hell, at gate of, obliged to confess his sins | Agar |
Delusions, hell, in shadows of, midnight, on waking | Cann-i |
Delusions, hell, suffers the torments of, without being able to explain | Merc |
Delusions, help, calling for | Plat |
Delusions, hæmorrhage, after | Chin-a |
Delusions, hole, small, appears like a frightful chasm | Agar |
Delusions, home, everything at, as changed | Arg-n |
Delusions, horrible, everything seems | Plat |
Delusions, horses, is on horseback | Cann-i |
Delusions, house, not in right place, while walking in the street after headache | Glon |
Delusions, house, seems movable : | Cann-i |
Delusions, house, surrounded, is : | Stram |
Delusions, houses on each side would approach and crush him | Arg-n |
Delusions, husband, thinks he is not her | Anac |
Delusions, images, afternoon | Lyc |
Delusions, images, in bed | Nit-ac |
Delusions, images, everchanging | Carb-o |
Delusions, images, everchanging, past to present | Mur-ac |
Delusions, images, night, while trying to sleep | Calc-s |
Delusions, images, rising out of the earth | Stram |
Delusions, images, side, at his | Stram |
Delusions, images, sleep, on going to | Chin |
Delusions, images, sleep, during | Lyc |
Delusions, inferior, on entering house after a walk, people seem mentally and physically | Plat |
Delusions, injury, his fingers and toes are being cut off | Mosch |
Delusions, inkstand, fancied he saw one on bed | Lact |
Delusions, inkstand, fancied he was one | Cann-i |
Delusions, insane, that people think her | Calc |
Delusions, insects, shining | Bell |
Delusions, iodine, illusions of fumes of | Iod |
Delusions, island, is on a distant | Phos |
Delusions, juggler, thinks himself a | Bell |
Delusions, jumped up on the ground before her, all sorts of things | Brom |
Delusions, knees, that he walks on | Bar-c |
Delusions, knowledge, thought he possessed infinite | Cann-i |
Delusions, labor, pretends to be in, or thinks she has pains | Verat |
Delusions, large, people seemed too, during vertigo | Caust |
Delusions, large, self esteem, on entering the house after walking | Plat |
Delusions, large, surroundings seemed | Ferr |
Delusions, laughed at, imagines she is | Bar-c |
Delusions, leg, tin case filled with stair rods, is | Cann-i |
Delusions, legs, conversing, are | Bapt |
Delusions, legs, don’t belong to her | Agar |
Delusions, legs, three, has | Petr |
Delusions, legs, too long | Cann-i |
Delusions, lie, thinks all she said is a lie | Lac-c |
Delusions, life, symbols of, all past events revolve rapidly on wheels | Cann-i |
Delusions, life, is threatened | Kali-br |
Delusions, light, on falling to sleep, thinks there is too much in room | Ambr |
Delusions, lip, lower, is swollen | Glon |
Delusions, living under ordinary relations, thinks is not | Cic |
Delusions, locomotive, imagines himself to be | Cann-i |
Delusions, longer, chin seems too long | Glon |
Delusions, longer, looked down upon, that she is | Lac-c |
Delusions, longer, one leg is long | Cann-i |
Delusions, lost, on waking | Aesc |
Delusions, lying near him, fancies some one is | Petr |
Delusions, lying, crosswise | Stram |
Delusions, machine, thinks he is working a | Plb |
Delusions, maelstrom, seemed carried down a psychical | Cann-i |
Delusions, magician, is a | Bell |
Delusions, man in the room intending to perforate his throat with a gimlet | Merc-i-f |
Delusions, man, does all the things he does | Ars |
Delusions, man, old men with long beards and distorted faces, sees | Laur |
Delusions, man, muffled, starts from the wall when walking in the streets | Cann-i |
Delusions, man, naked man in bed | Puls |
Delusions, man, thinks men are on the bed at night | Merc |
Delusions, man, thinks, the same man walking after him that he sees walking before him | Eupho |
Delusions, who hung himself, saw | Ars |
Delusions, mandarin, mistook friend for a | Cann-i |
Delusions, marble statue, felt as if he were | Cann-i |
Delusions, marriage, must dissolve | Fl-ac |
Delusions, married, that he is | Ign |
Delusions, married, is going to be | Hyos |
Delusions, melancholy | Alum |
Delusions, melancholy, while half awake at night | Nux-v |
Delusions, melting away, sensation of, worse from change, better in recumbent position | Sumb |
Delusions, mesmerized, that she is, by her absent pastor | Meli |
Delusions, misfortune, inconsolable over fancied | Verat |
Delusions, money, sewed up in clothing, is | Kali-br |
Delusions, mountain, thought himself to be on the ridge of a | Cann-i |
Delusions, mouth, fancied living things were creeping into, at night | Merc |
Delusions, move, hears things that are high up near him out of sight | Ph-ac |
Delusions, murder, thinks she is about to, her husband and child | Kali-br |
Delusions, murder, that she will murder her family with a hatchet | Jab |
Delusions, murder, that he has to, some one | Ars |
Delusions, murdered, sees some one | Calc |
Delusions, murdered, that every one around him is a murderer | Plb |
Delusions, murdered, that he was killed, roasted and eaten | Stram |
Delusions, murdered, thinks persons were bribed to murder him | Cann-i |
Delusions, murdered, thought her mother had been | Nux-v |
Delusions, mushrooms, fancies he is commanded to fall on his knees and confess his sins and rip up his bowels by a | Agar |
Delusions, music, evening, hears the music heard in the day | Lyc |
Delusions, music, unearthly | Ether |
Delusions, mystery, everything around seemed a terrifying | Cann-i |
Delusions, naked, thinks is | Stram |
Delusions, neck is too large | Kali-c |
Delusions, new, everything is | Stram |
Delusions, newspapers, thinks he sees | Atro |
Delusions, noble, thinks he is a | Phos |
Delusions, noise, clattering above the bed when falling asleep | Calc |
Delusions, noise, of shout, vehicles | Cann-i |
Delusions, nose, has a transparent | Bell |
Delusions, nose, has some one else’s | Lac-c |
Delusions, nose, takes people by | Merc |
Delusions, numeral, appeared nine inches long, night on waking, better lying on other side | Sulph |
Delusions, nursing her child, that she was | Atro |
Delusions, objects, brilliantly colored | Bell |
Delusions, objects, appear different | Nat-m |
Delusions, objects, bright from | Stram |
Delusions, objects, crooked | Glon |
Delusions, objects, glittering | Bell |
Delusions, objects, numerous, too, in room | Phys |
Delusions, objects, open, air, in | Atro |
Delusions, objects, sometimes thick, sometimes thin, on closing eye, in slumber | Camph |
Delusions, obscene | Stram |
Delusions, obscene, actions of which she has not been guilty, accuses herself | Phos |
Delusions, offended people, that he has | Ars |
Delusions, old men, sees | Laur |
Delusions, old rags are as fine as silk | Sulph |
Delusions, paradise, thought he saw | Coff |
Delusions, past, of events long | Atro |
Delusions, peacocks, as if chasing | Hyos |
Delusions, people, beside him, doing as he does | Ars |
Delusions, people, entering the house at night | Con |
Delusions, people, persons are looking at him | Rhus-t |
Delusions, person, that something hanging over chair is a, sitting there | Calc |
Delusions, person, think, another person in the room | Cann-i |
Delusions, places, at night on waking thought to find himself in strange and solitary | Par |
Delusions, places, wrong, in | Hyos |
Delusions, pleasing, morning, after sleep | Bell |
Delusions, poisoned, medicine being | Lach |
Delusions, policeman, that physician is a | Bell |
Delusions, prince, is a | Verat |
Delusions, pursued, friends, by | Plb |
Delusions, pursued, murderers, robbers, by | Alco |
Delusions, pursued, some horrid thing | Anac |
Delusions, queen, thinks she is | Cann-i |
Delusions, rabbits, sees | Stram |
Delusions, railway train, thought he was obliged to go off by | Atro |
Delusions, rain, from having wet cloth on head, thought he had been out in | Atro |
Delusions, rat sees, of all colors | Absin |
Delusions, reading after her, someone is, which makes her read the faster | Mag-m |
Delusions, reproach, has neglected duty and deserves | Aur |
Delusions, repulsive fantastic imaginations | Fl-ac |
Delusions, riding on an ox | Bell |
Delusions, riding, a horse | Cann-i |
Delusions, roaming in the fields | Rhus-t |
Delusions, room, garden, is a | Calc |
Delusions, room, like the foam of a troubled sea, is | Sec |
Delusions, room, sees people, on entering | Lyc |
Delusions, room, that the walls will crush him | Arg-n |
Delusions, room, walls of, seem gliding together | Cann-i |
Delusions, saw, thought he was a huge, darting up and down | Cann-i |
Delusions, scorpions, sees | Op |
Delusions, scratching on linen or similar substance, thought some one was | Asar |
Delusions, scrotum, thinks his, is swollen | Sabad |
Delusions, seasick, that he is | Der |
Delusions, sees, thinks some one else sees for him | Alum |
Delusions, seized, as if | Canth |
Delusions, sensations, misrepresents his | Bell |
Delusions, separated from the world, that he is | Anac |
Delusions, serpent, a crimson, fastening on his neck | Bell |
Delusions, servants, thinks he must get rid of | Fl-ac |
Delusions, sewing, imagines herself to be | Atro |
Delusions, sheep, sees | Cimic |
Delusions, ship, thinks they are on board of, in a storm | Alco |
Delusions, shoot, tries to, with a cane | Merc |
Delusions, shopping with her sister | Atro |
Delusions, shoulder, thinks people are looking over his | Brom |
Delusions, shouting, fancies himself to be | Cann-i |
Delusions, sick, that, a beloved friend is sick and dying | Bar-c |
Delusions, sick, that, members of the family are | Hep |
Delusions, sick, that, two sick people were in bed, one of whom got well and the other did not | Sec |
Delusions, side, imagined himself alive on one side and buried on the other | Stram |
Delusions, side, that she did not own her left | Sil |
Delusions, sight and hearing, of | Eup-pur |
Delusions, singing, fancied himself to be | Cann-i |
Delusions, sleeping, while awake, insists that he was | Acon |
Delusions, small, sensation, before epileptic fit | Carb-v |
Delusions, soda water, thinks he is a bottle of | Arg-n |
Delusions, sold, as if would be | Hyos |
Delusions, sold, his bed, some one has | Nux-v |
Delusions, soldiers, cutting him down, better on getting cool | Bry |
Delusions, soldiers, march silently past | Cann-i |
Delusions, soldiers, on his bed | Lact |
Delusions, something else, appeared as if, objects | Staph |
Delusions, soot, shower of, fell on him | Cann-i |
Delusions, sorrow, thinks everyone he meets has a secret | Cann-i |
Delusions, sounds, listens to imaginary | Hyos |
Delusions, space, expansion of | Cann-i |
Delusions, space, that there is empty, between brain and skull | Caust |
Delusions, spectres, day and night | Ars |
Delusions, spectres, morning on waking, continues to enlarge until it disappears | Dulc |
Delusions, spectres, evening, feels as if spectre would appear | Brom |
Delusions, spectres, chill, during | Nit-ac |
Delusions, spectres, clutches, at | Hyos |
Delusions, spectres, death of, as a gigantic black skeleton | Crot-c |
Delusions, spectres, fire, in | Bell |
Delusions, spectres, hovering in the air | Aur |
Delusions, spectres, twilight, in | Berb |
Delusions, sphere, thought himself a | Cann-i |
Delusions, spiders | Lac-c |
Delusions, spinal column a barometer | Cann-i |
Delusions, spirit, that he is a | Cann-i |
Delusions, spotted brown, his body is | Bell |
Delusions, squares, fancies of a colossal surrounded by houses a hundred stories high | Cann-i |
Delusions, stabbed, that he had, a person who passed him on the street | Bell |
Delusions, stars, saw in his plate | Cann-i |
Delusions, starve, he must | Kali-chl |
Delusions, stove for a tree, mistakes | Hyos |
Delusions, strange, familiar things, horrible, are | Plat |
Delusions, strange, familiar places seemed, headache after | Glon |
Delusions, strange, notions | Lyss |
Delusions, strange, voice, her own seemed | Cann-i |
Delusions, strangers, about her while knitting | Mag-s |
Delusions, strangers, looking over shoulder | Brom |
Delusions, superhuman, is | Cann-i |
Delusions, superiority | Plat |
Delusions, surroundings, capacious, are | Ferr |
Delusions, swine, thinks men are | Hyos |
Delusions, sword hanging over head | Am-m |
Delusions, talking, fancies herself | Raph |
Delusions, talking, of persons as though near, about midnight | Sep |
Delusions, talking, with spirits | Stram |
Delusions, tall, fancies herself very | Stram |
Delusions, tall, had grown while walking | Pall |
Delusions, thieves, night | Ars |
Delusions, thieves, after a dream, and will not believe the contrary until search is made | Nat-m |
Delusions, thieves, dream of robbers is frightened on waking and thinks dream is true | Verat |
Delusions, thieves, that he has been accused of robbing | Kali-br |
Delusions, thieves, that house and space under bed are full of | Ars |
Delusions, thin, is getting | Sulph |
Delusions, thin, body is | Thuj |
Delusions, three persons, that he is | Nux-m |
Delusions, throat, someone with ice cold hands took her by the | Canth |
Delusions, time, seems earlier | Sulph |
Delusions, toes cut off | Mosch |
Delusions, tongue made of wood | Apis |
Delusions, tongue, pulling out | Bell |
Delusions, tongue, seems to reach the clouds when going to sleep | Pic-ac |
Delusions, tongue, seems, too long | Aeth |
Delusions, touching everything | Bell |
Delusions, toys, fancied himself playing with | Atro |
Delusions, toys, object seemed as attractive as | Cic |
Delusions, transferred to another room | Coloc |
Delusions, transferred, to another world | Cann-i |
Delusions, transparent, seemed to be | Cann-i |
Delusions, transparent, head and nose are | Bell |
Delusions, travelling, of | Cann-i |
Delusions, travelling, through worlds | Ether |
Delusions, trees seem to be people in fantastic costume, afternoon, while riding | Bell |
Delusions, trembling, of everything on him, at night, when only half awake | Sulph |
Delusions, troubles, broods over imaginary | Naja |
Delusions, turtles, sees large, in room | Bell |
Delusions, typhoid fever, thought, he would have | Nat-p |
Delusions, unpleasant | Bell |
Delusions, unpleasant, distinct from surrounding objects | Bell |
Delusions, unseen, thing | Tarent |
Delusions, vagina, living things creep into at night | Merc |
Delusions, vanish, seems as if everything would | Lyc |
Delusions, vegetable existence, thinks he is leading a | Cann-i |
Delusions, vegetable, thinks he is selling green | Cupr |
Delusions, vengeance, thinks he is singled out for divine | Kali-br |
Delusions, vermin, his bed is covered with | Ars |
Delusions, violence, about | Kali-br |
Delusions, Virgin Mary, thinks she is | Cann-i |
Delusions, vision, clouds of colors | Lach |
Delusions, vision, horrible, waking, on | Zinc |
Delusions, vision, imaginary power, of | Cann-i |
Delusions, vision, monsters, on falling asleep and on waking | Ign |
Delusions, vision, rats and strange objects | Cimic |
Delusions, voices, night | Cham |
Delusions, voices, bed, in, ceases when listening intently | Abrot |
Delusions, voices, calling his name | Anac |
Delusions, voices, hears, that he must follow | Crot-c |
Delusions, voices, his own, sounds strange and seems to reverberate like thunder | Cann-i |
Delusions, voices, in his abdomen, are | Thuj |
Delusions, vow, that she is breaking her | Ign |
Delusions, walk, fancies he cannot | Ign |
Delusions, walk, fancies, that, some one walks beside him | Calc |
Delusions, walk, fancies, that, some one behind him | Crot-c |
Delusions, walk, fancies, that, he sees the same one walking after him that he sees walking before him | Eupho |
Delusions, walls, is surrounded by high | Cann-i |
Delusions, want, that they had come to | Cann-i |
Delusions, warts, thinks he has | Mez |
Delusions, washing, of | Bell |
Delusions, water, illusion of blue | Cann-i |
Delusions, water, of disasters by | Cann-i |
Delusions, water, sees flowing | Merc |
Delusions, water, spoonful, a, seems like a lake | Agar |
Delusions, water, when drinking, thought it delicious nectar | Cann-i |
Delusions, wife, will run away from him | Staph |
Delusions, wind sighing in chimney sounded like the hum of a vast wheel, and reverberated like a peal of thunder on a grand organ | Cann-i |
Delusions, wires, is caught in | Cimic |
Delusions, women, fancies his mother’s house is invaded by lewd | Kali-br |
Delusions, women, evil, are, and will injure his soul | Puls |
Delusions, wood, is made of | Kali-n |
Delusions, work, is hindered at | Chin |
Delusions, work, will do him harm | Arg-n |
Delusions, worms, imagined vomitus to be a bunch of | Cann-i |
Delusions, worms, imagines he is covered with | Cocaine |
Delusions, wretched, thinks she looks, when looking in a mirror | Nat-m |
Desires, more than she needs | Ars |
Despair, itching of the skin, from | Psor |
Despair, menses, before | Verat |
Des[air, others, about | Aur |
Despair, recovery, convalescence, during | Psor |
Despair, religious, alternating with sexual excitement | Lil-t |
Despair, religious, suppressed menses, during | Verat |
Despair, social position, of | Verat |
Despair, trifles, over | Graph |
Destructiveness, cuts them up | Verat |
Destructiveness, cunning | Tarent |
Dipsomania, drinking on the sly | Sulph |
Dipsomania, menses, before | Sel |
Discontented, afternoon, stool, before | Bor |
Discontented, evening, amel. | Aloe |
Discontented, air, in open | Mur-ac |
Discontented, coition, after | Calc |
Discontented, inanimate objects | Caps |
Discontented, rainy weather, during | Aloe |
Discontented, stool, before | Bor |
Discouraged, afternoon | Con |
Discouraged, evening, eating amel. | Tarent |
Discouraged, air, open, in | Ph-ac |
Discouraged, alternating with haughtiness | Agn |
Discouraged, coition, after | Sep |
Discouraged, menses, before | Carl |
Discouraged, weeping, amel. | Nit-ac |
Dreams, night | Nat-c |
Dreams, future, about the poetical | Olnd |
Dullness, evening, after 10 p.m. | Anac |
Dullness, alone, when | Ph-ac |
Dullness, alternating with hilarity | Jab |
Dullness, beer, after | Coloc |
Dullness, closing eyes, on | Zinc |
Dullness, closing eyes, amel. | Kali-c |
Dullness, coition, after | Sep |
Dullness, company, in | Plat |
Dullness, copious flow of urine amel. | Gels |
Dullness, could not think of her condition | Chel |
Dullness, dinner, after | Carb-an |
Dullness, emissions, after | Caust |
Dullness, epilepsy, before | Caust |
Dullness, lying, while | Bry |
Dullness, lying, amel. | Zinc |
Dullness, mortification, after | Staph |
Dullness, motion amel. | Rhus-t |
Dullness, news, from disagreeable | Calc-p |
Dullness, periodical | Chin |
Dullness, rising from bed | Ox-ac |
Dullness, room, in a | Meny |
Dullness, sleep, after sound | Mez |
Dullness, sleep, siesta, after | Graph |
Dullness, smoking, from | Acon |
Dullness, stool, after | Cycl |
Dwells, on past disagreeable occurrences, night, midnight, after | Rhus-t |
Dwells, on past disagreeable occurrences, recalls old grievances | Glon |
Eccentricity | Verat |
Ecstasy, night | Cur |
Ecstasy, night, waking, on | Cypr |
Ecstasy, night, walking in moonlight | Ant-c |
Ecstasy, alternating with sadness | Senec |
Ecstasy, amorous, sleep, during | Phos |
Embraces, anything, in morning worse in open air | Plat |
Ennui, forenoon | Alum |
Ennui, afternoon | Plb |
Escape, from her family, children | Lyc |
Escape, is restrained with difficulty | Zinc |
Escape, wants to visit his daughter | Ars |
Estranged, flies from her own children | Lyc |
Estranged, society, from | Anac |
Excitement, night, sleep, during | Lyc |
Excitement, absent persons, about | Aur |
Excitement, alternates with convulsions | Stram |
Excitement, alternates with, delirium | Agar |
Excitement, alternates with, dullness | Anac |
Excitement, alternates with, sadness | Con |
Excitement, beer, after | Coc-c |
Excitement, chill, before | Cedr |
Excitement, coition, after | Calc |
Excitement, confusion, as from | Nux-m |
Excitement, conversation, from hearing | Lyss |
Excitement, epilepsy, before | Art-v |
Excitement, feverish, evening, in | Merc-c |
Excitement, feverish, night, at | Sulph |
Excitement, feverish, dinner, after | Sep |
Excitement, feverish, menses, during | Rhod |
Excitement, heat, of head, with | Meph |
Excitement, hungry, when | Kali-c |
Excitement, menses, after | Ferr |
Excitement, pain, during | Aur |
Excitement, religious | Aur |
Excitement, sadness, after | Spig |
Excitement, stammers when talking to strangers | Dig |
Excitement, swallows continually while talking | Staph |
Excitement, tea, after | Sulph |
Excitement, urination, during | Aloe |
Excitement, writing, while | Med |
Exertion, physical amel. | Iod |
Exhilaration, afternoon | Arg-n |
Exhilaration, night | Med |
Exhilaration, air, in open | Phel |
Exhilaration, alternating with sadness | Agn |
Exhilaration, can recall things long forgotten | Gels |
Exhilaration, coition, after | Bor |
Exhilaration, diarrhœa, during | Ox-ac |
Exhilaration, perspiration, during | Op |
Exhilaration, walking in open air | Cinnb |
Fancies, exaltation of, morning | Con |
Fancies, exaltation of, afternoon | Lyc |
Fancies, exaltation of, evening, in twilight | Caust |
Fancies, periodically returning | Ars |
Fancies, reading, on | Mag-m |
Fancies, vivid, midnight, after | Puls |
Fancies, vivid, falling asleep, when | Nat-m |
Fancies, vivid, followed by heat | Phos |
Fear, morning, rising, on | Arg-n |
Fear, morning, until evening | Sul-ac |
Fear, morning, waking, on | Puls |
Fear, forenoon | Am-c |
Fear, noon until 3 p.m. | Aster |
Fear, afternoon, 4 p.m. | Tab |
Fear, afternoon, 5 p.m. | Nux-v |
Fear, evening, amel. | Mag-c |
Fear, evening, bed in, amel. | Mag-c |
Fear, evening, walking, while | Nux-v |
Fear, night, waking, after | Con |
Fear, night, midnight, after | Ign |
Fear, night, midnight, 3 a.m. | Kali-c |
Fear, abdomen, arising from | Asaf |
Fear, alone, lest he, injure himself | Ars |
Fear, alternating with mania | Bell |
Fear, apoplexy, night at, with feelings as if head would burst | Aster |
Fear, apoplexy, palpitation, with | Arg-m |
Fear, apoplexy, stool, during | Verat |
Fear, apoplexy, waking, on | Glon |
Fear, approaching, lest he be touched | Arn |
Fear, betrayed, being | Hyos |
Fear, black, everything | Rob |
Fear, brilliant objects, looking-glass, etc., of, or cannot endure | Stram |
Fear, burden, of becoming a | Raph |
Fear, censured, of being | Caps |
Fear, coal-scuttle of the | Cann-i |
Fear, coition, at thought of in a woman | Kreos |
Fear, confusion, that people would observe her | Calc |
Fear, cruelties, report of, excite | Calc |
Fear, cutting himself when shaving | Calad |
Fear, danger, going to sleep, on | Coff |
Fear, dawn, dawn, of the return of | Kali-i |
Fear, death, die, fear he will, if he goes to sleep, after night-mare | Led |
Fear, death, heart symptoms, during | Asaf |
Fear, death, pain, from | Coff |
Fear, death, perspiration, during | Kali-n |
Fear, death, pregnancy, during | Acon |
Fear, death, soon, that she will die | Agn |
Fear, death, vexation, after | Ars |
Fear, death, vomiting | Ars |
Fear, death, waking, on | Alum |
Fear, death, walking, while | Dig |
Fear, destination, of being unable to reach his | Lyc |
Fear, devil, being taken by the, of | Manc |
Fear, devoured by animals, of being | Stram |
Fear, disease, night, in bed | Carb-ac |
Fear, disease, worse walking in open air | Hep |
Fear, drawn upward, of being | Camph |
Fear, driving him from place to place | Meny |
Fear, drowned, of being | Cann-i |
Fear, eating, when hungry | Grat |
Fear, evil, morning, on waking | Mag-s |
Fear, evil, afternoon | Chin-s |
Fear, evil, evening, walking in open air, while | Cina |
Fear, exposure night in bed, of | Mag-c |
Fear, extravagance, of | Op |
Fear, failure, of, in business | Psor |
Fear, falling of, afternoon | Nux-v |
Fear, falling of, evening | Lyss |
Fear, falling of, letting things fall, of | Coca |
Fear, falling of, room, in, agg. | Lil-t |
Fear, falling of, sleep, on going to | Coff |
Fear, falling of, turning head, on | Der |
Fear, fasting, of | Kreos |
Fear, fever, while chilly | Sulph |
Fear, fever, on going to bed | Hura |
Fear, fever, typhus, of | Tarent |
Fear, fire, things will catch | Cupr |
Fear, friend has met with accident, that a | Ars |
Fear, friends, of | Cedr |
Fear, gallows, of the | Bell |
Fear, grieving, as if | Phos |
Fear, happens, when alone relieved by conversation | Rat |
Fear, health, that she has ruined | Chel |
Fear, heart, will cease to beat unless constantly on the move | Gels |
Fear, hurry, following | Benz-ac |
Fear, husband, that he would not return, that something would happen to him | Plat |
Fear, imaginary things, animals | Bell |
Fear, imbecile, that he would become | Stram |
Fear, joints are weak, that | Sep |
Fear, jumps out of bed from | Ars |
Fear, jump, on touch | Bell |
Fear, jump, out of the window | Ars |
Fear, labor, after | Iod |
Fear, looking before her, when | Sulph |
Fear, lying in bed, while | Kali-c |
Fear, manual labor, after | Iod |
Fear, menses, during, menstrual colic | Ant-t |
Fear, mischief, he might do, night on waking | Phys |
Fear, misfortune, daytime | Phel |
Fear, misfortune, forenoon | Am-c |
Fear, misfortune, afternoon, 2 p.m. | Hura |
Fear, misfortune, evening, bed, in, amel. | Mag-c |
Fear, misfortune, chilliness, during | Cycl |
Fear, misfortune, heat, during | Atro |
Fear, moral obliquity alternating with sexual excitement | Lil-t |
Fear, nausea, after | Tab |
Fear, near, of those standing | Bell |
Fear, occupation, of | Sel |
Fear, out of doors, to go | Anth |
Fear, piano, when at | Phos |
Fear, pneumonia, of | Chel |
Fear, poisoned, night | Ars-m |
Fear, poisoned, has been | Glon |
Fear, putrefy, body will | Bell |
Fear, rain of | Elaps |
Fear, say something wrong, lest he should | Lil-t |
Fear, sitting amel. | Iod |
Fear, sleep, he will never sleep again | Ign |
Fear, sleep, to close the eyes lest he should never wake | Aeth |
Fear, society, of his position in | Verat |
Fear, sold, of being | Hyos |
Fear, speak, to | Sep |
Fear, stomach, of ulcer in | Ign |
Fear, suffocation, closing eyes | Carb-an |
Fear, superstitious | Rhus-t |
Fear, supper, after | Caust |
Fear, surprises, from pleasant | Coff |
Fear, syphilis, of | Hyos |
Fear, talking loud, as if would kill her | Meli |
Fear, thinking of disagreeable things, when | Phos |
Fear, thinking, sad things, of | Rhus-t |
Fear, thoughts, of his own | Camph |
Fear, throat, from sensation of swelling of | Glon |
Fear, tread lightly, must, or will injure himself | Cupr |
Fear, troubles, of imaginary | Hydr-ac |
Fear, upward, of being drawn | Camph |
Fear, vertigo, of | Sumb |
Fear, vexation, after | Cham |
Fear, voice, of using | Cann-i |
Fear, waking on, of something under the bed | Bell |
Fear, walking, of | Nat-m |
Fear, walking, across busy street | Acon |
Fear, walking, in the dark | Carb-s |
Fear, warm room | Valer |
Fear, wet his bed, fears he will | Alum |
Fear, wind, of | Cham |
Fear, women, of | Puls |
Fear, work, headache, during | Gran |
Feces, passed on the floor | Cupr |
Feces, swallows his own | Verat |
Feces, licks up cow-dung, mud, saliva | Merc |
Feigining, pregnancy | Verat |
Fire, wants to set things on | Hep |
Fire, a flame of, seemed passing through him | Phos |
Fire, throws things into | Staph |
Flattery, desires | Pall |
Foolish behavior, morning, on waking | Aur |
Foolish behavior, night | Cic |
Foolish behavior, epilepsy, before | Caust |
Foolish behavior, happiness and pride | Sulph |
Foolish behavior, open air, in | Nux-m |
Foolish behavior, spasms, during | Sec |
Forgetful, morning, amel. | Fl-ac |
Forgetful, afternoon, amel. | Anac |
Forgetful, coition, after | Sec |
Forgetful, eating, amel. | Sil |
Forgetful, epilepsy, before | Caust |
Forgetful, everything that had occurred for six years | Lach |
Forgetful, menses, during | Raph |
Forgetful, motion, on | Laur |
Forgetful, periodical | Carb-v |
Forgetful, shaving or dressing, of | Chel |
Forgetful, walking, while, after eating | Rhus-t |
Forgetful, watch, to wind | Fl-ac |
Forsaken feeling, open air amel. | Rhus-t |
Forsakes his own children | Lyc |
Forsakes is relations | Sec |
Frightened easily, night, wakens at 3 a.m. | Ars |
Frightened easily, chill, during, | Verat |
Frightened easily, menses, before | Calc |
Frightened easily, nocturnal emissions, after | Aloe |
Frightened easily, roused, when | Calc |
Frightened easily, sneezing, at | Bor |
Frightened easily, touch, form | Kali-c |
Frightened easily, trifles, day before menses | Calc |
Frightened easily, wakens in a fright from least noise | Nux-v |
Frightened easily, wakes, terrified, knows no one, screams, clings to those near | Stram |
Frightened easily, weeping amel. | Phos |
Fur, wraps up in, summer | Hyos |
Gestures, convulsive, at sight of drink | Bell |
Gestures, hands, of the, as if brushing the face, or as if brushing something away | Hyos |
Gestures, hands, crossing the hands | Mosch |
Gestures, hands, grasping, bystanders, at | Phos |
Gestures, hands, grasping, chewing and swallowing | Sol-n |
Gestures, hands, grasping, quickly | Stram |
Gestures, hands, grasping, sides of the bed, at | Nux-v |
Gestures, hands, motion, face, to the | Stry |
Gestures, hands, motion, folding hands | Puls |
Gestures, hands, motion, folding, and unfolding coverings | Plb |
Gestures, hands, motion, hasty | Bell |
Gestures, hands, motion, knitting, as if | Tarent |
Gestures, hands, motion, lifting up hands | Ars |
Gestures, hands, motion, rubbing together | Cann-i |
Gestures, hands, motion, spinning and weaving | Stram |
Gestures, hands, wild | Acon |
Gestures, indicates his desires by | Stram |
Gestures, intoxicated, as if | Hyos |
Gestures, pouring from hand to hand, as if | Bell |
Gestures, pulls hair of bystanders | Bell |
Gestures, ridiculous, open air, in | Nux-m |
Gestures, ridiculous, standing on the street, while | Nux-m |
Gestures, spinning, imitates | Hyos |
Gestures, spinning, around on the foot | Cann-s |
Giggling | Cann-i |
Grief, daytime | Staph |
Grief, afternoon | Tarent |
Grief, condition, about his | Staph |
Grief, hunting for something to grieve one | Lil-t |
Grief, trifles, over | Bar-c |
Grunting, sleep during | Ign |
Hatred, absent persons, of, better on seeing them | Fl-ac |
Hatred, bitter feelings for slight offenses, has | Ang |
Hatred, person of, unmoved by apologies | Nit-ac |
Hatred, persons of, who do not agree with him | Calc-s |
Hatred, women, of | Puls |
Helplessness, afternoon | Kali-br |
Hide, child thinks all visitors laugh at it and hides behind furniture | Bar-c |
Hides, things | Bell |
Home, desire to leave home | Elat |
Homesickness, morning | Carb-an |
Homesickness, evening | Hipp |
Homesickness, red cheeks, with | Caps |
Hurry, night | Lach |
Hurry, chill, during | Cann-s |
Hurry, everybody must hurry | Tarent |
Hurry, time, for the appointed, to arrive | Arg-n |
Hypocrisy | Phos |
Hysteria, menses, during | Cimic |
Hysteria, menses, during, amel. | Zinc |
Hysteria, menses, during, first day of | Raph |
Hysteria, morning agg., sighing amel. | Tarent |
Hysteria, music amel. | Tarent |
Ideas, abundant, forenoon | Ox-ac |
Ideas, abundant, heat, during | Stram |
Ideas, abundant, persistent | Ph-ac |
Ideas, abundant, urination, after | Cann-i |
Ideas, deficiency of, extra exertion, on | Olnd |
Ideas, deficiency of, interruption, from any | Colch |
Ideas, deficiency of, vomiting amel. | Asar |
Ideas, insane | Lyss |
Idiocy, idiotic actions | Ant-c |
Idiocy, idiotic, epilepsy, before | Caust |
Imbecility, epilepsy, before | Caust |
Imbecility, old rags are as fine as silk | Sulph |
Impatience, forenoon, 11 a.m. | Sulph |
Impatience, dinner, during | Sulph |
Impatience, house, in | Aster |
Impatience, intermittent fever | Chin-a |
Impatience, itching, from | Osm |
Impatience, playing of children | Anac |
Impatience, reading, while | Nat-c |
Impatience, sitting, while | Sep |
Impatience, supper, after | Nit-ac |
Impatience, talk of others, during | Zinc |
Impatience, urinating, before | Sulph |
Impatience, walking, while | Lyc |
Impetuous, daytime | Nit-ac |
Impetuous, morning | Staph |
Impetuous, afternoon | Caust |
Impetuous, evening | Ferr-p |
Impetuous, heat, with | Sep |
Impetuous, urination, before | Sulph |
Impulse, to run | Iod |
Impulse, to stab his flesh with the knife he holds | Lyss |
Inciting others | Hyos |
Inconsolable, alone and darkness agg. | Stram |
Inconsolable, over fancied misfortune | Verat |
Indifference, afternoon | Con |
Indifference, alternating with anxiety and restlessness | Nat-m |
Indifference, alternating with weeping | Phos |
Indifference, caresses, to | Cina |
Indifference, company, while in | Plat |
Indifference, complain, unless questioned, then say nothing of his condition | Colch |
Indifference, conscience, to the dictates of | Cann-i |
Indifference, desire, has no, no action of the will | Hell |
Indifference, eating, after | Aloe |
Indifference, mental exertion, after | Nat-m |
Indifference, music, which he loves, to | Carb-v |
Indifference, onanism, after | Staph |
Indifference, opposite sex, to | Thuj |
Indifference, others, toward | Sulph |
Indifference, personal appearance | Sulph |
Indifference, recovery, about his | Calc |
Indifference, society, amel. | Bov |
Indifference, walking in open air, while | Con |
Indifference, welfare of others, to | Sulph |
Indignation, morning | Ars |
Indignation, discomfort, from general | Op |
Indignation, dreams, at unpleasant | Calc-p |
Indignation, pregnant, while | Nat-m |
Indolence, morning, on rising, waking | Chin-s |
Indolence, noon | Aloe |
Indolence, afternoon, 2 p.m. | Chel |
Indolence, air, in open | Arn |
Indolence, aversion to her usual housework | Cit-ac |
Indolence, breakfast, after | Nat-s |
Indolence, chill, during | Camph |
Indolence, damp weather | Sang |
Indolence, emission, after an | Sep |
Indolence, stool, before | Bor |
Indolence, stool, after | Colch |
Industrious, evening | Lach |
Industrious, coition, after | Calc-p |
Injure, feels as if she could easily injure herself | Sep |
Injure, frenzy, causing him to, himself | Agar |
Injure, satiety, must use self control to prevent shooting himself | Nat-s |
Insanity, alternating with metrorrhagia | Crot-c |
Insanity, alternating, with stupor | Op |
Insanity, behaves like a crazy person | Kali-ar |
Insanity, chilliness, with | Calc |
Insanity, chillness, coldness of skin | Crot-h |
Insanity, crawls on the floor | Lach |
Insanity, dresses in his best clothes | Con |
Insanity, eats only refuse | Meli |
Insanity, injuries to the head, from | Nat-s |
Insanity, insists upon saying his prayers at the tail of his horse | Eupho |
Insanity, makes useless purchases | Con |
Insanity, malignant | Cupr |
Insanity, menses, with profuse | Sep |
Insanity, passes her feces on the floor | Cupr |
Insanity, perspiration, with, following | Cupr |
Insanity, threatens destruction and death | Tarent |
Insanity, touched, will not be | Thuj |
Insolent, afternoon | Canth |
Introspection, forenoon | Phos |
Introspection, afternoon | Hell |
Irresolution, morning | Pall |
Irresolution, afternoon | Hyos |
Irritability, noon, amel. | Aeth |
Irritability, afternoon, 4 p.m. | Bor |
Irritability, afternoon, 5 to 6 p.m. | Con |
Irritability, alone, when | Phos |
Irritability, alternating with, tenderness | Plat |
Irritability, alternating with, weeping | Bell |
Irritability, breakfast, before | Nat-p |
Irritability, breakfast, after | Con |
Irritability, business, in an important | Bor |
Irritability, coffee, after | Calc-p |
Irritability, conversation, from | Ambr |
Irritability, dinner, before | Phos |
Irritability, dinner, during | Teucr |
Irritability, idle, while | Calc |
Irritability, menses, during an intermission of | Eupi |
Irritability, noise, such as even crackling of newspapers drives him to despair | Ferr |
Irritability, rocking fast amel. | Cina |
Irritability, sends, nurse home | Fl-ac |
Irritability, sends, nurse out of the room | Cham |
Irritability, sleep, during, by noise | Calad |
Irritability, waking, amel. | Caps |
Irritability, water, hearing or seeing, on | Lyss |
Jealousy, as foolish as it is irresistible | Lach |
Jesting, gravity, after | Plat |
Jesting, indifference, after | Meny |
Jesting, malicious | Ars |
Jesting, puns, makes | Cann-i |
Joy, at the misfortune of others | Ars |
Jumping, bed, during fever | Chin-a |
Kicks, carried, and becomes stiff when | Cham |
Kicks, child is cross, kicks and scolds on waking | Lyc |
Kill, desire to kill the person that contradicts her | Merc |
Kill, rest, during | Iod |
Kill, sight of a knife | Plat |
Kill, sight, of knife or a gun | Alum |
Kill, thought he ought to kill somebody | Camph |
Kill, walking in open air, while | Camph |
Kleptomania, steals money | Calc |
Lamenting, evening | Verat |
Lamenting, night | Verat |
Lamenting, alternating with delirium | Bell |
Lamenting, crying | Bufo |
Lamenting, appreciated, because he is not | Calc-s |
Lamenting, convulsions, during | Ars |
Lamenting, future, about | Lyc |
Lamenting, others, about | Merc |
Lamenting, perspiration, during | Ign |
Lamenting, trifles, over | Coff |
Lamenting, waking, on | Cina |
Laughing, forenoon | Nux-m |
Laughing, alternating with frenzy | Stram |
Laughing, alternating with, loathing of life | Aur |
Laughing, alternating with, metrorrhagia | Crot-c |
Laughing, annoying | Bell |
Laughing, anxiety, during | Lyc |
Laughing, averse to | Ambr |
Laughing, chill, during | Calc |
Laughing, chills, followed by | Hura |
Laughing, company, in | Tarent |
Laughing, contemptuous | Alum |
Laughing, delirious | Stram |
Laughing, forced | Hyos |
Laughing, involuntarily, after eating | Puls |
Laughing, looked at, when | Lyc |
Laughing, misfortune, at | Apis |
Laughing, pain, every paroxysm of, excites a nervous laugh | Hura |
Laughing, paroxysmal | Stram |
Laughing, reprimands, at | Graph |
Laughing, sad, when | Phos |
Laughing, sadness, followed by | Plat |
Laughing, serious matter, in open air | Plat |
Laughing, spasmodic, before, during or after epilepsy | Caust |
Laughing, wild | Calc |
Lie, believes all she says is a | Lact-ac |
Loathing, morning, on waking | Phyt |
Loathing, business, his | Ars-h |
Loathing, eruption, before | Cop |
Loathing, life, menses, before | Cere-b |
Loathing, life, must restrain herself to prevent doing herself injury | Nat-s |
Longing, good opinion of others, for | Pall |
Longing, repose for tranquility | Nux-v |
Loquacity, daytime | Arg-m |
Loquacity, forenoon | Caust |
Loquacity, night, 1 to 2 a.m. | Lachn |
Loquacity, answers no questions, during which | Agar |
Love, with jealousy, anger, and incoherent talk | Hyos |
Mania, held, wants to be | Ars |
Mania, mental exertion, after | Lach |
Mania, menses, before | Sep |
Mania, paroxysmal | Tarent |
Mania, suppressed eruptions, after | Zinc |
Mania, suppressed, menses | Puls |
Memory, active, evening, midnight, until | Coff |
Memory, active, alternating with dullness | Rhus-t |
Memory, active, alternating, with weak memory | Cycl |
Memory, active, alternating, with lassitude | Aloe |
Memory, active, suppressing sexual desire, from | Lach |
Memory, weakness of, letters, for the names of the | Lyc |
Memory, weakness of, time, for | Merc |
Men, shuns the foolishness of | Cic |
Mesmerized, seem as if | Oena |
Mirth, daytime | Ant-t |
Mirth, morning, waking, on | Chin |
Mirth, evening, bed in | Alum |
Mirth, night, until 2 a.m. | Chin |
Mirth, alternating, palpitation, with | Spig |
Mirth, alternating, seriousness | Plat |
Mirth, chill, during | Nux-m |
Mirth, emission, after an | Pip-m |
Mirth, heat, during | Acon |
Mistakes, measure and weight and gives wrong answers | Nux-v |
Mistakes, speaking, exertion, worse after | Agar |
Mistakes, speaking, intend, what he does not | Nat-m |
Mistakes, time, confounds present with future | Anac |
Mistakes, transposes sounds | Caust |
Mistakes, words, mispronounces | Caust |
Mistakes, writing, confounding letters | Lyc |
Moaning, daytime | Zinc |
Moaning, afternoon | Cina |
Moaning, evening | Ars |
Moaning, evening, sleep, during | Ars |
Moaning, night, 3 a.m. | Kali-c |
Moaning, constant and gasping for air | Phyt |
Moaning, contradicted, when | Tarent |
Moaning, hemicrania, with | Cop |
Moaning, old age, in | Bar-c |
Moaning, weakness | Raph |
Mocking, his relatives | Sec |
Monomania, to appear in a public place in a grotesque manner | Anan |
Mood, changeable, heat, during | Nux-m |
Mood, changeable, dinner, after | Aloe |
Morose, evening | Zinc |
Morose, child in daytime | Cina |
Morose, menses, before | Lyc |
Morose, menses, after | Ferr |
Morose, perspiration, during | Mag-c |
Mutilating, his body | Ars |
Muttering, evening, in bed | Sil |
Muttering, night, on waking | Sil |
New, objects seem | Hell |
Nymphomania, pregnancy, during | Zinc |
Obstinate, against whatever was proposed, he had the queerest objection | Arg-n |
Obstinate, appearance of menses, upon | Cham |
Obstinate, children, yet cry when kindly spoken to | Sil |
Obstinate, chilly refractory and clumsy | Caps |
Obstinate, inclined to grow fat | Calc |
Piety, nocturnal | Stram |
Plans, gigantic | Op |
Plans, revengeful | Agar |
Playful, alternating with melancholy | Psor |
Playful, desires to play in the grass | Elaps |
Playful, plays with the buttons of his clothes | Mosch |
Pleasure, voluptuous ideas, only, in | Bell |
Pleasure, wakefulness, during | Sec |
Pleasure, waking, on from a dream of murder | Thea |
Power, love of | Lyc |
Praying, nights | Stram |
Precocity | Merc |
Presumptuous | Lyc |
Prostration, evening | Cham |
Prostration, eating, after | Lach |
Prostration, menses, after | Alum |
Prostration, talking, from | Calc-p |
Prostration, trifles, from | Phos |
Prostration, writing, after | Sil |
Pull, ones nose in the street | Merc |
Pull, ones teeth | Bell |
Qurralesome, 12 to 2 p.m. | Aster |
Quarrelsome, 4 p.m. | Lyss |
Quarrelsome, night | Verat |
Quarrelsome, alternating, care and discontent | Ran-b |
Quarrelsome, alternating, silent depression | Con |
Quarrelsome, alternating, singing | Croc |
Quarrelsome, disputes with absent persons | Lyc |
Quarrelsome, intoxicated, when | Petr |
Quarrelsome, menses, during | Am-c |
Quarrelsome, waking, on | Lyc |
Quiet, cannot be quieted | Cina |
Quiet, carried, only by being | Cham |
Quiet, wants to be, desires repose and tranquility | Nux-v |
Rage, alone, while | Bufo |
Rage, alternating, affectionate disposition, with | Croc |
Rage, alternating with, consciousness | Acon |
Rage, alternating with, convulsions, with | Stram |
Rage, alternating with, religious excitement, with | Agar |
Rage, aroused, when | Phos |
Rage, cold applications to head amel. | Sabad |
Rage, constant | Agar |
Rage, does not know his relatives | Bell |
Rage, drinking, while | Stram |
Rage, epilepsy, after | Arg-m |
Rage, mischievous | Agar |
Rage, pulls hair of bystanders | Bell |
Rage, staring looks, with | Bell |
Rage, trying to drink, when or touching larynx | Canth |
Reading, aversion, walking in the open air amel. | Ox-ac |
Refuses, to take the medicine | Hyos |
Remorse, evening | Puls |
Remorse, night | Puls |
Remorse, trifles, about | Sil |
Remorse, waking, on | Puls |
Reproaches, others, 4 p.m. | Bor |
Reserved, morning, in bed | Cocc |
Reserved, evening | Am-m |
Reserved, air, in the open | Stram |
Reserved, eating, after | Plb |
Reserved, sleep, after | Anac |
Restlessness, morning, bed, in | Ph-ac |
Restlessness, evening, 6 p.m. till 6 a.m. | Kreos |
Restlessness, night, midnight, at | Nat-m |
Restlessness, night, midnight, waking, on | Plat |
Restlessness, night, 5 a.m. | Tarent |
Restlessness, alternating with sleepiness and stupor, during fever | Ars |
Restlessness, anxious, epilepsy, during intervals of | Arg-n |
Restlessness, back, during tired aching in | Calc-f |
Restlessness, bed, heat of, from | Op |
Restlessness, chest, from congestion in | Sep |
Restlessness, chest, from heat rising up into the mouth from | Nux-v |
Restlessness, company, in | Carb-v |
Restlessness, conversation, from | Ambr |
Restlessness, convulsion, after | Oena |
Restlessness, dinner, amel. after | Thuj |
Restlessness, drink, at the sight of | Bell |
Restlessness, drinking agg. | Crot-c |
Restlessness, fainting, followed by | Calc |
Restlessness, headache, from pain in forehead, at night | Cycl |
Restlessness, internal, morning, on waking | Sep |
Restlessness, internal, evening, in bed | Eupi |
Restlessness, internal, night, on waking, with headache | Par |
Restlessness, as if would beat about herself with hands and feet | Lyc |
Restlessness, lying, on back agg., on side amel. | Calc-p |
Restlessness, menses, after | Mag-c |
Restlessness, mental labor, amel. | Nat-c |
Restlessness, pacing back and forwards | Plan |
Restlessness, paroxysms, during | Plb |
Restlessness, periodical | Ars |
Restlessness, periodical, every third day | Anac |
Restlessness, perspiration, amel. | Sulph |
Restlessness, rage, ending in a | Canth |
Restlessness, rising, from a seat | Caust |
Restlessness, siting, at work, while | Graph |
Restlessness, smoking, after | Calad |
Restlessness, stool, during | Bell |
Restlessness, storm, before | Psor |
Restlessness, stretching backward amel. | Bor |
Restlessness, sunlight agg. | Cadm |
Restlessness, urination, before | Ph-ac |
Reverence for those around him | Ham |
Riding, in a carriage, averse to | Psor |
Roving, about naked | Hyos |
Roving, wrapped in fur in the summer | Hyos |
Sadness, morning, mirthful in evening | Calc-s |
Sadness, morning, rising, after, amel. | Sep |
Sadness, morning, 9 a.m. till noon | Alumn |
Sadness, night, and day, with weeping | Caust |
Sadness, night and diarrhœa in the morning | Lil-t |
Sadness, midnight | Plat |
Sadness, alternating with, physical energy | Aur |
Sadness, alternating with, irritability | Ambr |
Sadness, alternating with, sexual excitement | Lil-t |
Sadness, alternating with, vehemence | Ambr |
Sadness, annoyance, after | Kali-bi |
Sadness, business, when thinking of | Puls |
Sadness, chill, before | Ant-c |
Sadness, cloudy weather | Am-c |
Sadness, complaining amel. | Tab |
Sadness, eating, before | Mag-m |
Sadness, eating, while | Sep |
Sadness, epistaxis, after | Puls |
Sadness, errors of diet | Nat-c |
Sadness, exertion, amel. | Ferr |
Sadness, flowers, smell of | Hyos |
Sadness, happy, on seeing others | Helon |
Sadness, insult, as if from | Cocc |
Sadness, itching, from | Psor |
Sadness, menses, during, the first menses | Hell |
Sadness, music, sad music, amel. | Mang |
Sadness, periodical, every fourteen days | Con |
Sadness, pressure about chest, from | Graph |
Sadness, sexual excitement, after | Tarent |
Sadness, slight, an undeserved, from | Arg-n |
Sadness, society, in agg. | Eupho |
Sadness, society, amel. | Bov |
Sadness, stories, from sad | Cic |
Sadness, sultry weather, in | Sep |
Sadness, sunshine, in | Stram |
Sadness, sunshine, amel. | Plat |
Sadness, supper, after | Nux-v |
Sadness, thunderstorm amel. | Sep |
Sadness, walking, amel. | Cop |
Sadness, walking, only while, the longer he walks the worse he gets | Ph-ac |
Sadness, walking, standing still or sit down, must | Cupr |
Scratches, the lime of the walls | Canth |
Searching, at night for thieves | Ars |
Searching, after having dreamt of them | Nat-m |
Sensitive, daytime | Carb-v |
Sensitive, evening | Calc |
Sensitive, ailments, to the most trifling | Nux-v |
Sensitive, coffee, after | Cham |
Sensitive, cruelties, when hearing of | Calc |
Sensitive, noise to, evening | Calc |
Sensitive, noise to, menses, during | Kali-p |
Sensitive, sleep, on going to | Calc |
Sensitive, sad stories | Cic |
Sensitive, singing, to | Nux-v |
Sentimental, diarrhœa, during | Ant-c |
Sentimental, menses, before | Ant-c |
Sentimental, moonlight, in | Ant-c |
Serious, evening | Seneg |
Serious, when seeing ludicrous things | Anac |
Shameless, bed, in | Nat-m |
Shameless, during lying-in | Verat |
Shinning, objects agg, surface of water | Lyss |
Shrieking, aid, for | Plat |
Shrieking, children, stool, during | Kreos |
Shrieking, children, when touched | Ant-t |
Shrieking, cramps in abdomen, during | Cupr |
Shrieking, drinking, while | Nux-v |
Shrieking, hold on to something, unless she | Sep |
Shrieking, mania, in | Stram |
Shrieking, menses, before | Sep |
Shrieking, menses, during | Cupr |
Shrieking, thunderstorm, during | Gels |
Shrieking, trifles, at | Kali-c |
Sighing, menses, after | Stram |
Singing, alternating with anger | Croc |
Singing, alternating with, distraction | Spong |
Singing, alternating with, groaning | Bell |
Singing, alternating with, hatred of work | Spong |
Singing, joyously, at night | Verat |
Sits, and breaks pins | Bell |
Sits, in one place for 3 or 4 days during headache | Con |
Sits, meditates | Calc-s |
Sits, weeping | Ambr |
Size, frame, of, seems lessened | Phys |
Slowness, always behind hand | Cact |
Slowness, calculation, in | Calc |
Slowness, purpose, of | Graph |
Smiling, involuntarily, when speaking | Aur |
Smiling, never | Alum |
Smiling, sardonic | Bell |
Smiling, sleep, in | Cadm |
Somnabulism, suppressed emotions, after | Zinc |
Speech, confused, at night | Cham |
Speech, fine | Hyos |
Speech, future, about | Hyos |
Speech, incoherent, dozing after | Op |
Speech, merry, sleep, in | Mur-ac |
Speech, nonsense, springing up while asleep, on | Kali-c |
Speech, prattling, lies naked in bed | Hyos |
Speech, prattling, in sleep | Nux-v |
Speech, random, at, at night | Plb |
Spits, on the floor and licks it up | Merc |
Spoken to, averse, chill, during | Hyos |
Squanders money | Verat |
Starting, night, menses, during | Zinc |
Starting, anxious, downward motion, from | Bor |
Starting, called by name, when | Sulph |
Starting, feet, as if coming from the | Lyc |
Starting, hawking, at | Bor |
Starting, lying, while | Lyc |
Starting, menses, before | Calc |
Starting, prick of a needle, at the | Calc |
Starting, sleep, before | Alum |
Starting, sleep, from sleep, menses, during | Zinc |
Starting, sleep, from sleep, from slightest touch | Ruta |
Starting, sneezing, at | Bor |
Starting, tossing of arms, from | Merc |
Starting, twitching | Con |
Starting, uneasiness, from | Mur-ac |
Strange things, impulse to do | Cact |
Strange, voices seem | Cann-s |
Stranger, sensation as if one were a | Valer |
Striking, abdomen, his | Bell |
Striking, face, his | Bell |
Striking, wall, the | Canth |
Stupefaction, afternoon, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. | Ars |
Stupefaction, night | Calc |
Stupefaction, night, on waking, must rise | Psor |
Stupefaction, alternating with convulsions | Aur |
Stupefaction, alternating, with violence | Absin |
Stupefaction, emissions, after | Caust |
Stupefaction, epistaxis, after | Zinc |
Stupefaction, exertion, mental, agg. | Petr |
Stupefaction, menses, during | Nux-m |
Stupefaction, perspiration, during | Stram |
Stupefaction, reading, on | Lyc |
Stupefaction, remains fixed in one spot | Nux-m |
Stupefaction, rising, on | Sil |
Stupefaction, rising, amel., after | Phos |
Stupefaction, sun, agg., in | Nux-v |
Stupefaction, suppressed exanthemata from | Cupr |
Stupefaction, warm room, in | Phos |
Stupefaction, warm, when feet became warm, amel. | Lach |
Stupefaction, wine, after | Cor-r |
Stupefaction, writing, while | Arg-n |
Suggestions, will not receive | Helon |
Suicidal disposition, bed, in | Ant-c |
Suicidal disposition, twilight, in | Rhus-t |
Suicidal disposition, axe, with an | Naja |
Suicidal disposition, fright, often | Ars |
Suicidal disposition, position, by | Lil-t |
Suicidal disposition, seeing blood or a knife, she has horrid thoughts of killing herself, though she abhors the idea | Alum |
Suicidal disposition, seeing, cutting instruments, on | Merc |
Suicidal, thoughts, drive him out of bed | Ant-c |
Suicidal disposition, walking in open air, while | Bell |
Suicidal disposition, weeping, amel. | Phos |
Surprises, pleasant, affections, after | Coff |
Suspicious, daytime | Merc |
Suspicious, afternoon, 3 to 8 p.m. | Cench |
Suspicious, talking about her, that people are | Bar-c |
Suspicious, walking, while | Anac |
Talk, indisposed to, forenoon | Caust |
Talk, indisposed to, afternoon, 1 p.m. | Grat |
Talk, indisposed to, evening, amel. | Clem |
Talk, indisposed to, air, in open | Plat |
Talk, indisposed to, alternating with quarrelsomeness | Con |
Talk, indisposed to, loud | Sil |
Talk, indisposed, walking in open air, after | Arn |
Talking, sleep in, anxious | Alum |
Talking, sleep in, thought when awake, what he | Am-c |
Talks to himself, of nothing but murder, fire and rats | Calc |
Tears, genitals, her | Sec |
Theorizing, evening | Chin |
Thinking, aversion to, morning | Kali-n |
Thinking, aversion to, afternoon | Lyc |
Thinking, aversion to, after walking in open air | Arn |
Thinking, aversion to, evening | Lyc |
Thoughts, disgusting thoughts with nausea | Sang |
Thoughts, frightful, evening | Caust |
Thoughts, frightful, evening, in bed | Lac-c |
Thoughts, frightful, night, on waking | Visc |
Thoughts, fightful, on seeing blood or a knife | Alum |
Thoughts, persistent, evil, of | Lach |
Thoughts, persistent, expression and words heard recur to his mind | Sulph |
Thoughts, persistent, garment made the previous day, about a | Aeth |
Thoughts, persistent, humorous | Nux-m |
Thoughts, persistent, ideas of, which first appeared in his dreams | Psor |
Thoughts, persistent, music, about, in evening | Ign |
Thoughts, persistent, thinks, of nothing but murder, fire and rats | Calc |
Thoughts, persistent, walking in open air amel. | Graph |
Thoughts, repetition, of | Stram |
Thoughts, vanishing, morning | Ph-ac |
Thoughts, vanishing, headache, during | Bell |
Thoughts, vanishing, interrupted, when | Berb |
Thoughts, vanishing, overlifting, after | Psor |
Thoughts, vanishing, speaking, when spoken to | Sep |
Thoughts, vanishing, standing, while | Rhus-t |
Thoughts, wandering, night | Bell |
Thoughts, wandering, menses, during | Calc |
Thoughts, wandering, talking, while | Merc-c |
Throws, at person, who offend | Staph |
Time, a few seconds seem ages | Cann-i |
Timidity, evening, in bed | Kali-c |
Timidity, alternating with assurance | Alum |
Torments, everyone with his complaints | Zinc |
Touch things, impelled to | Lycps |
Touched, aversion to being caressed | Cina |
Tranquillity, anger, after | Ip |
Tranquility, incomprehensible | Morph |
Tranquility, stool, after | Bor |
Trifles, with everything | Agar |
Unattractive, things seem | Chin |
Unconsciousness, morning, alone, when | Ph-ac |
Unconsciousness, morning, rising, on | Bry |
Unconsciousness, noon | Zinc |
Unconsciousness, air, in open, amel. | Tarax |
Unconsciousness, alone, when | Ph-ac |
Unconsciousness, alternating with convulsions | Agar |
Unconsciousness, alternating with, dangerous violence | Absin |
Unconsciousness, alternating with restlessness during fever | Ars |
Unconsciousness, blood, sight of | Nux-m |
Unconsciousness, candle-light, from | Cann-i |
Unconsciousness, cold water poured over head amel. | Tab |
Unconsciousness, cold, after taking | Sil |
Unconsciousness, diarrhœa, after | Ars |
Unconsciousness, dream, on waking | Aesc |
Unconsciousness, erect, if he remained | Chin |
Unconsciousness, exanthema slow to appear, when | Zinc |
Unconsciousness, excitement, after | Nux-m |
Unconsciousness, eyes, cannot open | Gels |
Unconsciousness, eyes with pressure in and obstruction of sight | Seneg |
Unconsciousness, interrupted by screaming | Bell |
Unconsciousness, kneeling in church, while | Sep |
Unconsciousness, knows no one but answers correctly when touched or spoken to | Cic |
Unconsciousness, lies as if dead | Arn |
Unconsciousness, looking downward, on | Salam |
Unconsciousness, looking, upwards | Lach |
Unconsciousness, lying, with outstretched arms, screaming and tossing | Canth |
Unconsciousness, perspiration, during | Samb |
Unconsciousness, remains fixed in one spot | Nux-m |
Unconsciousness, rubbing soles of feet amel. | Chel |
Unconsciousness, somnolency with, without snoring, eyes being closed | Ph-ac |
Unconsciousness, standing, having dress fitted | Nux-m |
Unconsciousness, suppression of eruptions, after | Zinc |
Unconsciousness, talking, while | Lyc |
Unconsciousness, transient, morning on rising drowsiness in head | Rhod |
Unconsciousness, transient, afternoon, in warm room | Puls |
Unconsciousness, trifles, at | Sep |
Undertakes, things opposed to his intentions | Sep |
Unfeeling | Anac |
Unsympathetic | Dig |
Unworthy, objects seem | Chin |
Veneration | Coff |
Verses, after falling asleep | Nat-m |
Violent, forenoon | Carb-v |
Violent, evening | Mill |
Violent, dinner, after | Mill |
Violent, siesta, after | Caust |
Vivacious, alternating with sorrow | Tarent |
Walking, rapidly from anxiety | Arg-n |
Walking, slowly and dignified | Caj |
Washing always, her hands | Syph |
Wearisome, morning | Am-c |
Weary, morning in bed | Lyc |
Weary, forenoon | Apis |
Weary, air, in open | Mur-ac |
Weary, menses, during | Berb |
Weary, walking in open air, while | Bell |
Weeping, morning, inclined to, at 11 a.m. | Sulph |
Weeping, afternoon, 4 p.m. | Puls |
Weeping, afternoon, 4 to 8 p.m. | Lyc |
Weeping, weeps all night, laughs all day | Stram |
Weeping, alternating, with, irritability and laughter at trifles | Graph |
Weeping, alternating with, queer antics | Cupr |
Weeping, anecdotes from | Lach |
Weeping, bells, sound of | Ant-c |
Weeping, carried, when | Chel |
Weeping, carried, child cries piteously if taken hold of or carried | Cina |
Weeping, convulsive | Mag-p |
Weeping, convulsive, after | Caust |
Weeping, dark, in | Stram |
Weeping, delirium, after | Nat-s |
Weeping, disturbed at work, when | Puls |
Weeping, eating, while | Carb-an |
Weeping, emission, after an | Hipp |
Weeping, future, about the | Lyc |
Weeping, goes off alone and weeps as if she had no friends | Bar-c |
Weeping, hallucination, after | Dulc |
Weeping, illness, during | Calad |
Weeping, interrupted, when | Puls |
Weeping, involuntary, amel. by vinegar | Stram |
Weeping, looked at, when | Nat-m |
Weeping, lying, while | Euphr |
Weeping, meeting people, when | Aur |
Weeping, menses, during, which does her no good | Cycl |
Weeping, music, bells, of | Ant-c |
Weeping, need, about a fancied | Chin |
Weeping, nervous, feels so, she would scream unless she held on to something | Sep |
Weeping, nervous, all day, feels like crying all the time, but it makes her worse | Stann |
Weeping, nightmare, after | Guai |
Weeping, opposition, at least | Nux-v |
Weeping, pains, during intermission of | Glon |
Weeping, palpitation, during | Phos |
Weeping, past events, thinking of | Nat-m |
Weeping, pitied, if he believes he is | Nat-m |
Weeping, poetry, at soothing | Lach |
Weeping,rising, after | Am-c |
Weeping, room, in | Plat |
Weeping, sad thoughts, though sad, is impossible to weep | Nux-v |
Weeping, singing, when | Hura |
Weeping, sleep, good during the day, screaming and restless all night | Jal |
Weeping, spasms, after | Caust |
Weeping, thanked, when | Lyc |
Whistling, fever, during | Caps |
Wildness, evening | Croc |
Wildness, bright light, odors, etc. | Colch |
Wildness, headache, during | Bapt |
Wildness, trifles, at | Ign |
Wildness, unpleasant news | Calc-p |
Wildness, vexation, from | Ph-ac |
Will, muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away | Hell |
Women, aversion to her own sex | Raph |
Work, averse to mental, afternoon | Hyos |
Writing, inability, writing disconnectedly | Colch |