Dr Mahendra Singh Biography and Books
Prof. (Dr.) Mahendra Singh, M.D. (Hom.) (01.03.1939 -15.10.2021), was called “Parshuram in Homoeopathy” by Dr. B.K. Sarkar. In West Bengal, he was the only teacher who was attached to 7 Homoeopathic Medical Colleges: viz. Cal. Homoeo., D.N. De. Bengal Allen, N.K.B.M., Metropolitan, B. V. College, Sainthia and National Institute of Homoeopathy. He had been a popular teacher of Organon of Medicine for more than 50 years, mostly at The Calcutta Hom. Medical College, and was respectfully called as ‘Teacher of the Teachers’. He was the National President of the Homoeopathic Medical Association of India (HMAI) and also held the post ofthe Chairman of the Education Committee of Central Council of Homoeopathy till his demise. His ability to read, write and translate in many languages was remarkable. To his credit is authorship of many scholastic books and articles.